Shure GLX-D16


New member
Anyone using the Shure GLX-D16 wireless? Seems to have good reviews and haven't seen anything bad about it. Like the fact it mounts on my board and doubles as a tuner. Any issues with two players in the band having them?

Last wireless I had and used was a Nady 201 about 25 years ago, so inquiring minds want to know! Thanks!
They're nice units. And I think Shure was thoughtful about the stomp tuner/transmitter. There shouldn't be any issue with both guitarists having one. They'll just need to be operating on two different frequencies.
Really no complaints about mine. You won't need extra battery for it, it last a long time. The tuner and the sound is great but i'm the only one using a wireless in my band so i can't comment about 2 players using them at the same time.

I'm very happy with it and i think you will too!
I and my bass player both have one. We've never had any signal issues between us but I did have an issue one time with it getting interference from the wifi signal our PA guy uses for mixing. It was causing a glitchy drop out in my signal. The fix was easy. I just changed banks and it searched and found a clean channel. I was back in action in about 30 secs.
A single battery charge has lasted me two nights of 3 one hour sets and then a two hour band practice plus a little jamming at home if I don't recharge it. I do turn the transmitter off between sets to save the battery. Typically though I do like to recharge before every show just to be on the safe side.
Love mine! Replaced a Line6 G30 that was having random quick drop outs with one of these and have never had any issues with it.
I use this wireless and have never run into issues, even with the bassist also using another wireless.

I just wish I'd started using it earlier.
I've been using one for a couple months and our bassist also just got one. Rock solid and the tuner is about 90% as fast and accurate as the turbo tuner. Our bassist was using the Boss TU tuner (which I've never liked because they are slow) and he's very happy with the built in Shure.

The only issue I had was powering it with my 4X4. I needed to use a connector with enough mA. Oh and there is a power switch on the side. Remember to turn it "On". Reading is fundamental.
I bought mine when they first came out a few years ago and it has performed flawlessly. No regrets.
