Slax on the Way: Will Compare to my BE50

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Junk Yard Dog
Well-known member
Only concern is the volume on the SLAX. The BE50 is loud and rude for a 50 watter, but VERY managable with the Sat Switch, Masters alone, and also the FX Loop Return level. I live in an apartment and play some small stages at times. See how we go...
It’ll be fine! Interested to hear your thoughts between the two.
I'm on the verge of selling my BE100 to buy the Butterslax, so I'm really interested to hear your thoughts on this.
I'm an apartment guy too and no issues with my Slax. It sounds great at all volumes.
Slax arrived. It’s badass. Channel 1 rocks! I haven’t boosted it yet but it would e GNR all day.

Channel 2/JBE is where I would live. I find it pretty tight. Perfect for hard rock and does that AIC thing great.

Channel 3 is mayhem. I dig it, but I would wanna tighten it up a bit. It slaysz through my 1x12, but I think it needs a 2 or 4x12 to really be heard.

I’m playing apartment volumes, btw.

I will say this: do not discount the BE50 for HEAVY chug. I was A/Bing the same settings on BE50 BE and Slax Channel 2 and the nod went to the Slax. BUT, that was before I realized I didn’t have the Sat switch on the BE50. I flipped on Sat and it was damn close. Nod still goes to the JBE: it’ feels tighter and slightly gainier, but it was really close.

Overall, the Slax is 100w vs 50. Slax slays, but so does the BE50. The 50 has so much versatility. It does metal.

Both amps rule. Will be touch to decide which to keep. I’m gonna spend time with both.

Also: the Master volume on both are great. I was a little worried about the Slax, but worried no more.
Grats dude! I love my Slax but was super curious about the BE50 when it came out. Good to see a quick comparison. Also I love channel 1, I always end up playing AC/DC riffs on it, just can't help it. Channel 1 pretty much makes my PT20 pointless to have around anymore. I haven't used channel 2 much at all but to me it nails the Kill'em all sound. Otherwise I live off of channel 3, to me it sounds like a modern thicker version of the Ride the Lightning tone. Post some clips!
Gratz on the Slax!!!!!

And for all those who raced the line, the BE100D will be out end of year more than likely...

Not like we need that extra 50W, but headroom is headroom.
