Speaker Review


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General consensus is that speakers will have the greatest single-component effect on overall sound running the same amp with the same settings - much more than things like pickups and tubes. I’ve played quite a bit of speaker-go-round and think I‘ve arrived at what fills my ears with the sound I’m looking for. I have a 2x12 and a pair of 4x12s. Both 4x12s have G12EVH and both sound fantastic - but identical. I wanted one cab to have a bit more modern ‘thump.’ I had recently swapped a 65 watt Creamback and a U.K. Vintage 30 in my 2x12 and was blown away by how much I liked it. It previously had a Heritage H30 pair - one 75hz and one 55hz. It always sounded good with the H30s, but definitely has a more modern ‘flavor’ with the Creamback V-30 mix in there.

So, I recently picked up a pair of Marshall G12 Vintage / basically UK V-30s with the Marshall badging for one of my 4x12s. I was looking for a pair of 65 watt Creambacks to pair with them, but wasn’t having any luck in the used market. So I snatched those 65 Watt M75 Scumbacks that Jim listed here last week. This 4x12 flat kills. Just sounds so big and full. I’m sure I will keep the G12EVH in my other 4x12 - its nice having 2 totally different sounding cabs. But wow, those Scumbacks do sound nice - and they compliment those UK Marshall Vintage speakers really well.
I have a Marshall 1960BHW with the Heritage G12H30 & i can't stand those speakers. Too much High End Sizzle or Fizz.
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General consensus is that speakers will have the greatest single-component effect on overall sound running the same amp with the same settings - much more than things like pickups and tubes. I’ve played quite a bit of speaker-go-round and think I‘ve arrived at what fills my ears with the sound I’m looking for. I have a 2x12 and a pair of 4x12s. Both 4x12s have G12EVH and both sound fantastic - but identical. I wanted one cab to have a bit more modern ‘thump.’ I had recently swapped a 65 watt Creamback and a U.K. Vintage 30 in my 2x12 and was blown away by how much I liked it. It previously had a Heritage H30 pair - one 75hz and one 55hz. It always sounded good with the H30s, but definitely has a more modern ‘flavor’ with the Creamback V-30 mix in there.

So, I recently picked up a pair of Marshall G12 Vintage / basically UK V-30s with the Marshall badging for one of my 4x12s. I was looking for a pair of 65 watt Creambacks to pair with them, but wasn’t having any luck in the used market. So I snatched those 65 Watt M75 Scumbacks that Jim listed here last week. This 4x12 flat kills. Just sounds so big and full. I’m sure I will keep the G12EVH in my other 4x12 - its nice having 2 totally different sounding cabs. But wow, those Scumbacks do sound nice - and they compliment those UK Marshall Vintage speakers really well.
Cool to hear the V30/M65 is working well . You don’t have any issues with the V30 dominating due to the db difference ?
“Cool to hear the V30/M65 is working well. You don’t have any issues with the V30 dominating due to the db difference?”

Not to my ear, no. But I do have them in a straight front cab and mounted in an ‘X’ which helps mitigate that a bit. I think if loaded top and bottom in an angled cab, the db difference would be more pronounced.
I have a 4x12 with M65s and V30s and agree that they are a great pairing. I have them in an X pattern and really like it.

The m65s are much better than Creambacks in my opinion. Much more lively and in your face.
Ugh, made me think of how I kept swapping and selling speakers to try to make the HK Grandmeister 40 sound decent. Wish I would have gotten rid of that amp far before I got rid of some of my speakers, as I bet some of them would have worked very will with basically ANY other amp. The cost of experience. Glad you found a set you like! I'm a big fan of mixing speakers for a 3D/Big sound.
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