Suhr Aldrich vs Dimarzio Super Distortion


Does anyone have any experience with both? I have been using the Aldrich for sometime and was contemplating making the change in the bridge of a Les Paul.

Is the Dimarzio "darker" or does it have more mids?
I was thinking about switching the Aldrich pups out of my Mahogany modern. Not because they're bad pups, but I can see why they might be a better choice for Les Pauls.
I have a BKP Alnico Nailbomb sitting around. I've been contemplating switching out for the Aldrich in one of my Moderns as well.

Nailbomb historically has been one of my favorite p'ups... I do like the Aldrich though.
I just struggle with the idea of "breaking the seal" :)
Aldrich PUPs have a very "in your face" attack/sound to me. Hard to explain…but I feel like my guitar w/ an aldrich is extremely responsive and doesn't have some of the sag (for lack of a better word) that you would get with a Super Dist

I could be totally high :D