Tell me about the Suhr Pro series, would it suit me?

Random Hero

New member
Specifically the S2 and 4 I guess for the maple board, but the S3 too. And the S1...

Are they really up there with the Standards?

Also, I think I may offload my Petrucci and pick up something HSS. I was considering an EBMM Luke, but the EMGs are a little off-putting, plus I know the love Suhrs get so ya know, I want a piece of that.

What do you recommend?

I ideally want;
Vintage trem
22 frets
Glorious neck - Fairly slim, but not too slim. But "fast" I guess. Preferably unfinished?
Warm, fat, defined humbucker
Warm, fat singles - think Timmons neck tones

I also want the playability.
For what it's worth, I liked one of the S series guitars better than a couple of the standards. I suppose it depends on how the S series spec's work for you.
They're as good as any other Suhr in terms of well, every aspect. They basically came up with set recipes for a Standard and just build them to that spec.
I just played a killer S5 today, man that thing was resonant. Felt great too. :thumbsup:

Greetings all! If Ed & John are around, this must be a cool place! :rock: