Think I've had it with the JVM...


Spent a ton of time with the first one...having tubes go bad, a heater fuse... but mostly, my biggest complaint is how it sounds thin as hell when I play with my band. I just swapped it out for a new one - from GC - in the plastic...never been played - this one is worse!! :thumbsdown: I'd swear there's less gain - the reverb doesn't sounds completely different than the one I traded in - and I think it sounds worse!! I think I'm done pulling these things apart. I'm either getting the 5150III or the Cameron... Probably the 5150III...since it's out and I'm likeing what I hear so far. Keep your eyes peeled for a mega-spam thread when I get back from a week in the UK (work) and then vacation.... :doh:
IMHO these amps may be better down the line but they'll have to quit cutting corners and quit saying there is nothing wrong with the amps and work out the bugs. That said I also cant believe they release these amps they way alot of them are. I havent played a single one that hasnt had issues. Ive owned 2 and have played 3 different ones in stores and all of them squeeled like a pig or plain ol malfunctioned. I will give them props that there are some inovative ideas in the amp but the design needs more work and for Pete's sake put a choke in it to take away that fake feel.
Sorry to hear it man. Hopefully, the 5150 III will treat you better. Give me a buzz when you get back from vacation.
EightmanVT":4772e said:
Spent a ton of time with the first one...having tubes go bad, a heater fuse... but mostly, my biggest complaint is how it sounds thin as hell when I play with my band. I just swapped it out for a new one - from GC - in the plastic...never been played - this one is worse!! :thumbsdown: I'd swear there's less gain - the reverb doesn't sounds completely different than the one I traded in - and I think it sounds worse!! I think I'm done pulling these things apart. I'm either getting the 5150III or the Cameron... Probably the 5150III...since it's out and I'm likeing what I hear so far. Keep your eyes peeled for a mega-spam thread when I get back from a week in the UK (work) and then vacation.... :doh:

I've had mine for a 4 or 5 months and gigged/rehearsed with it numerous times with not one single issue. I don't get how it sounds thin, mine sounds huge. I really like the amp but my Blackmore is still my number one at this point. It's a drag you have had so many probs with the ones you have had.
No reset - But cycling power brought the reverb on.

What speakers are you guys using...those that think the JVM sounds thick or "huge" in a band setting. I have V30's in an oversized Bogner 2x12 -- I have an empty 2x12...that I could experiment with... I may as well try some new speakers...since I'm going to take a bath if I sell the amp. Any of you guys using something besides V30's?
Zachman":55210 said:
PeteLaramee":55210 said:
I'm using H30/Hellatones.

I LOVE my Hellatone G12-H-30's... ALL 12 of them, seem to be happy with whatever amp I use them with.
Thats because you own your equipment long enough to know what it is capable of :thumbsup: and spend enough time tweaking and PLAYING it to know what it does :thumbsup: and give an amp more then an hour before you say it sucks :thumbsup: and are willing to try new tubes and rebias an amp before you call it a loser :thumbsup: and change strings on your guitar BEFORE saying the pickups suck :thumbsup: :LOL: :LOL: :D :rock:
zepman":1313e said:
Thats because you own your equipment long enough to know what it is capable of :thumbsup: and spend enough time tweaking and PLAYING it to know what it does :thumbsup: and give an amp more then an hour before you say it sucks :thumbsup: and are willing to try new tubes and rebias an amp before you call it a loser :thumbsup: and change strings on your guitar BEFORE saying the pickups suck :thumbsup: :LOL: :LOL: :D :rock:
No no no!! :doh:

We buy and sell amps here...we don't keep them!
Out of all the ones I've sold only one developed an issue and it was just a couple bad preamp tubes. That could happen to any amp. As for squealing issues, the higher gain modes have a TON of gain, alot more than most amps. Adjust it accordingly...
I played the 5150 III again today, hoenstly its a badass head, thick and nice but its really pricey, I def like it better than the JVM and the 5150's - channel 2 with a boost is so sweet -
Sorry to hear about the issues some have had. My JVM is kicking alot of ass. Im not having any of the issues Ive heard about aNd hope I dont. The band and I love it. I use a Time Machine boost with mine as its becoming part of my sound and the JVM does seem a bit flat sometimes when I turn it off, but thats par for the course when your addicted to boosts isnt it?
yngzaklynch":07c89 said:
Other than getting used to the effects loop I never had any issues. I still think the JVM is a kick ass amp!

What's special about the effects loop?