Thinking of giving up on music and playing guitar

No idea your specifics, but sounds like a funk bro, not music and probably not any particular decision you’ve made. Everyone makes mistakes and most of us have some regrets. Grieve if need be, take a break, be good to yourself. Music and guitar have helped me, even saved me at times.
No idea your specifics, but sounds like a funk bro, not music and probably not any particular decision you’ve made. Everyone makes mistakes and most of us have some regrets. Grieve if need be, take a break, be good to yourself. Music and guitar have helped me, even saved me at times.

Let the music and guitar playing save you by flipping the situation on its head instead of forcing something :yes:

If that doesn't work, please give the Tremoverb to me :LOL:
Yah I wouldn't give up on playing music. The music biz is hard, especially if you want to write good music and not cookie cutter shit. Maybe take a break from trying to "make it" and just enjoy playing music with some like-minded people for a while. I hope you get out of your funk soon. :cheers:
I spent a lot of time trying to make it in music. Got to do a lot of fun stuff, toured around, worked with cool producers, banged groupies, etc.. It was the best fun of my life. I don't regret it at all.

I did however know the super low odds of actually making it in music, so I kept a career, and other things going the whole time.

I was done with it around 2007, and made the hard decision to give it up after 10 years.

Reinvent yourself, it's just a chapter in your life. This funk will pass.
It just really hit me hard this year and I realized I wasted my whole life trying to make it in music and I really don't know what to do. This anxiety and depression with music is the worst 😪
No doubt it's not the first time you've had struggles in the business. Re-think some approaches. Take some time to woodshed some new ideas. Maybe start working with a different group of guys or focus on a different type of project. I share many of the same struggles you do with the business. It tends to weed out the weak willed people so you have to forge ahead regardless of obstacles.
I'll echo what others have said, Play for yourself and try not to worry about making it.
I know... easier said than done. If a break is what you need then take one, and hopefully you won't abandon it completely. When you're ready to pick it up again you may discover a renewed joy in playing.
Like others have said, just take a break and do some other things you like to do...the guitar will always be there when/if you go back to it. Sometimes I get bored with it, as I used to play out most weekends and have since learned to have fun at home playing, vs in the past getting ready for a gig, practicing with the band etc.
But, don't sell anything...just take a break.
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