Thought I’d bring back some memories


Drove my parents nuts with these
my sister let me pick 2 albums from rising stars vhII and toto I on her columbia house account in 79👌👌

i miss the whole anticipating, then searching for and finding that special treasure at cool new and used record store, buying it and racing home, pulling the pristine LP out of the sleeve trying not to smudge it, and playing an album for the first time on a killer sounding system while pouring over the jacket artwork and credits.
I began my modest cassette collection with both BMG and Columbia House orders when I was around 12yrs old. I had a few randoms before that but these deals allowed me to really check-out a bands whole arsenal all at once.
Good times. I was just 'young' enough to pass on vinyl and 8 track and went straight to cassettes. I had a massive collection. Some of my first cherished cassettes were VH1, Boston (1), LZ II, LZ IV, KISS, stuff like that. I still have the VH1 and Boston cassettes but gave away most of the rest over the years. Started converting over to CDs with VH 5150 I believe. Now I have around 250 CDs, most of which are ripped and sitting on my phone. I've resisted streaming so far. I'm an album guy :yes:

But yeah, I missed my Columbia House deadlines many times. I always blamed it on poor mail delivery to college apts :LOL:
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My girlfriend and I were just talking about these. She was bragging about all the CDs she had as a kid. Mom never let me buy any. I was sheltered. She's sooo much cooler than I am.
I Would get the 10 or 12 or whatever the number was for free & then fill out a change of address form for them with an address from the phone book that belonged to someone with a similar last name & i'd never hear from BMG or Columbia house after that.
I scammed so many cassettes back in the day. Lol. The record club vinyl is pretty collectible now. Some are rare. The only USA original pressing of Slave to the Grind was done by Columbia house. It wasn't reissued until a couple years ago. The original Columbia house version is worth a lot.
I still have tons of CDs that say BMG on the back of them. They custom printed the versions for BMG Music a little differently.
Yeah, I'm sure I owe Columbia House a pretty penny (actually, a penny is about all the money they ever got out of me).

The bad part about ordering that first 12 or 13 cassettes for a penny, was when you were down to your last few picks, and there was nothing left you were interested in. So you told yourself things like "Yeah, I guess Adam Ant is alright.", and begrudgingly added "Goody Two Shoes" to the list. :LOL:
Yeah, I'm sure I owe Columbia House a pretty penny (actually, a penny is about all the money they ever got out of me).

The bad part about ordering that first 12 or 13 cassettes for a penny, was when you were down to your last few picks, and there was nothing left you were interested in. So you told yourself things like "Yeah, I guess Adam Ant is alright.", and begrudgingly added "Goody Two Shoes" to the list. :LOL:
There must be something inside.
