Tim Shaw replacement pickup covers


New member
Hey guys, got a great deal on a beautiful 1984 Alpine Les Paul Custom recently. The previous owner removed the gold pickup covers unfortunately and owing to the pickups being original Tim Shaws, I can't seem to find replacements. Despite my many hours of trawling eBay and the like. :aww:

Any of my Rig-Talk brethren know where I can find some or even somebody who could make them to spec? Cheers lads!
Is there anything special about the covers? Couldn't you use a Gibson or some other aftermarket ones?
Tried the aftermarket Gibson ones and they don't fit which led to me telling a guy in music store he hadn't a clue what he was at by selling me the wrong ones.

It was only days later after some proper research that I discovered the pole spacing is different to that of a typical Gibson PAF. Because the Shaw pickups were only in production for a limited number of years (early to late 80's) Gibson don't make a replacement cover set.
In that case I would head over to one of the Les Paul forums and ask those guys, they may know.
Being honest that was my first inkling.. but the effort of registering on yet another forum put me off. Thanks for the advice anyway man.
Yeah, there are guys over there doing that......check out the Vendor Classifieds, and in particular look at ReWind....all his stuff is great.