Tube Question, 4 -6550’s in a driftwood ?


Active member
Going to order a Driftwood Purple Nightmare , I see they do this 2/6550 n 2/6L6 , I generally like 6L6 in most amps, didn’t like them in Herbert 34s sounded best,but thinking what about 4 6550 in it ? I had a Marshall KErry King w them. That amp was pretty kickass. 6550 are the same as KT88 I believe as well ? What can I expect with 4 of them in it ? Versus 6L6 ?
cujo":z5d1pszv said:
Going to order a Driftwood Purple Nightmare , I see they do this 2/6550 n 2/6L6 , I generally like 6L6 in most amps, didn’t like them in Herbert 34s sounded best,but thinking what about 4 6550 in it ? I had a Marshall KErry King w them. That amp was pretty kickass. 6550 are the same as KT88 I believe as well ? What can I expect with 4 of them in it ? Versus 6L6 ?
My experience in the same amp, a 2555x, was that the 6550s and 6L6 were pretty similar with lows/highs but the mids were more pronounced with the 6550s. KT88s had bigger lows/highs but the mids were backed off compared to 6550s. Almost a bigger 6L6. The Jubilee RI 100w can run any octal tube in pairs or quads..Lots of experimenting. At one point I had EL34s on one side and 6L6 in the other. Never played a Driftwood though.
I've owned 3 amps running 4 6550s and there is something about them (in those maps anyway) that I didn't like. A somewhat harsh sound and stiff feel; just didn't come across all that musical. Think most of them were JJ and I think I tried Sovtek too. I'd definitely try them again in other amps, but so far my experience with them hasn't been to good.