Voodoo V-Rock


New member
Will the standard V-Rock achieve the van halen 1 sound or must you also get the boost mod and the brutal mod to achieve that sound.
Hey Nitro,
Yes it will..... and No, you don't need the Brutal mod to do it.

I'm the one that bought the V-plex 50 watt from GC, but it ended up having way too much gain for a Plexi. I called Trace and found out it was modded to a V-rock.

So to answer your question. My V-rock has more then enough gain to get the VH 1 sound. Mine also has the Rock/brutal mod. No you don't need it to get the VH1 sound. The amp has too much gain as it is without the brutal switch if you ask me. My favorite VH guitar sound is on VH-2. Beautiful Girls is the ultimate tone for me. So with the gain at 11 o'clock(I changed pre amp tubes to 5751s), I can nail that tone. So stock, you'll have more than enough to get VH-1.

I took my 12AX7 pre amp tubes out and put in GE 5751s to cut the gain down by 30%. I run my gain now at 11 o'clock and it sounds like many of the guitars recorded in the 80s. Honestly its probably one of THE Best modded Marshall type amps I've ever had or heard. Trust me, I had everything in the 80s, from Rivera modded Marshalls to his Rivera TBR-1 to BedRocks, modded by Evan at BedRock.

If your into George Lynch, or Eddie, or Zak, you'll love Trace's V-Rock amp. It wasn't even the amp I wanted, and I kept it, so that has to say something about his V-Rock.