Was I Sold Used Tubes?


Active member
Seller claimed these were brand new but the glass is covered with metal deposits. Doesn't that mean these have lots of hours on them? Mullard KT88's.
Could you maybe circle what you're talking about? If you're talking about the giant shiny patch on top and on the side, that's the getter, and you want it there on new tubes.
Could you maybe circle what you're talking about? If you're talking about the giant shiny patch on top and on the side, that's the getter, and you want it there on new tubes.
The silvery opaque circle on the side. There's opaque silver circles on two opposite sides of each tube, inside the glass behind each silver opaque circle is a small metal disc. The opaque silver on the top of the tube is nothing new but I've never seen new tubes with these metal deposits on the sides of the glass, I've only ever seen it happen to well used tubes. In the attached images you can't see through the glass (in the circled part) due to said opaque metal deposits.
You can't tell if they are used, by just looking at them... much like if a woman has a dick nowadays.

If you don't have a tube tester, you roll the dice. The silver deposit on the side of the glass envelope is normal.


You can see the silver side deposits on these as well:

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I love thetubestore.com

Oh, and those markings are fairly common regardless of newness. I wouldn't stress it - but - if in doubt for future purchases, definitely hit thestubestore.com up as Jon and Crew there have been servicing my tube needs for like 15+ years now. Awesome dudes. Awesome tubes.
Other than damage I don't think you can tell much from looking at tubes.

There is plenty of people more than willing to sell used tubes as new. Usually slightly used.
You can't tell if they are used, by just looking at them... much like if a woman has a dick nowadays.

If you don't have a tube tester, you roll the dice. The silver deposit on the side of the glass envelope is normal.
Explain to me how owning a tube tester will allow me to tell if a woman has gonads or not? That might be a worthwhile purchase considering the day and age we live in.
Interesting, so I guess that can happen during burn-in. Never seen that before in my 25 years of using tube amps. Thanks for the replies

No it is placed there when the tube is manufactured; I think it's sort of a way to ensure that the vacuum is really a vacuum in there (reacts with any stray gas that may be in there)
Interesting, so I guess that can happen during burn-in. Never seen that before in my 25 years of using tube amps. Thanks for the replies
This 'side flash' you'll also see in 6550s. With these tubes, the side flash (the more the merrier) along with the top flash is a sign of how new/used they are. The more the merrier....when new the tube will have the most it ever will. Then, over time usage will actually 'eat' that flash on top of most tubes, and with KT88/6550 also on the sides. So, whenever you shop for 'used strong' vintage tubes (if you ever do) DO NOT buy any that have clear tops, or in this case clear tops AND sides. This is a sure sign the tube is on it's last leg.