Where did the gear go?


Active member
Is it me or does it seem like all the gear got bought up. It seems like to raise the prices of what little gear we do find. I've been noticing this for a while. Guitar hobbyists are too picky and would not hold on to gear that long. I've also been noticing Indonesian guitars and Chinese guitars being outrageous prices. Any thoughts and opinions?
Pls help find 2c+ drg for pre-covid price haha

i found mine a little over a year ago for pre-covid price, got lucky and refreshed my craigslist sitting at a long red light and there it was posted "less then a moment ago" i remember it saying, i pulled over right there and messaged the dude, when i met him he said he had 25 other people offering him more money, i said i know and thank you. had i waited till the next red light i probably would have missed out, the super deals go super quick
i found mine a little over a year ago for pre-covid price, got lucky and refreshed my craigslist sitting at a long red light and there it was posted "less then a moment ago" i remember it saying, i pulled over right there and messaged the dude, when i met him he said he had 25 other people offering him more money, i said i know and thank you. had i waited till the next red light i probably would have missed out, the super deals go super quick
Daaamn, well done! You are the legend maaan! To snag a 2c+ while waiting for the green light lol Seller gets a hat tip too🤘🏻

For how much you got it? If not a secret, ofc.
You wouldn't happen to be selling a explorer or v-shaped guitar would you?

...selling my original 1988 Steinberger XL-2 bass; 2008 Ric 620, Fireglo, 6-string; Epi 1965 JL Casino (limited run of 1,965); Fender Marr Jag (white).

Still considering if I want to sell my BC Rich Stealth Chuck Schuldiner sig...and Steinberger Synapse SS-2F (white)
You guys are too picky about gear.
I'm still able to score used fleshlights cheap at almost any truck stop.

You just worry about STAYING in the right hand lane Mario Andretti., ok???

Hey look off the 69 East, is that a ..
That ain’t no Jeeper’s Creeper’s…WTH?
-That’s a dude with a rocket launcher locking me in his sights (me).

I know all about ‘the’ running people off the road into flames in the middle of the night, out there on the 24, I’ve seen it happen.
Just keep going right?
-the dead person and their family won’t be able to read the sketchy company information on the back of the trailer and call to report it.
I drive on the freeway a lot man, seriously.
-what I mention is real and so fucking lame.

I’m not too concerned as you’ll be replaced real soon here -
like a McDonalds employee..BEEP, BEEP..Beep.
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Hahaha I remember when the lockdown shit started up, I had this altruistic thought of “People are going to be selling their gear for dirt cheap to make ends meet, whatever I buy I’ll offer to hang onto it for a year and if the person gets back on their feet I’ll sell it back for what they sold it to me for”

That never happened. It was like the next day “Marshall Valvestate Head, $3200“ :LOL:

Some shit is coming back down, 90’s MIJ Ibanez stuff has been back into the $500-$800 zone, the 5150/variant craze died down a little with 6505’s dropping back down to $700, non-boutique pedals are leveling out, but there’s still a ton of shit that is marked way the fuck up.