Which mic do I use?


New member
I'd like to know which mic's would be good to use to record guitar stuff to post on youtube or wherever. How would I set it all up? Video camera w/ mic on video camera off? SOrry, I"m new to this.
I use an SM57 for all of my audio recordings and the built in webcam on my iMac for video because I care more for quality audio than I do for quality video. Well I shouldn't say I use a 57 for all of my audio recordings, sometimes I use an Audix i5. They are both very very good mics for recording not only guitar cab but also lots of other sources as well. Some people say using a Sennheiser e609 gives them a smoother tone, but from what I've heard, it is more limited in its uses. Now as to HOW you record it, that depends largely on you. For instance, what kind of computing/video system you already have, how much you are willing to spend, and what level of quality you are trying to achieve.