who wants 35$ worth of V picks? "Free content"


New member
So order a bunch of V-pick to see if id any better than my current favorite v-pick (Medium Pointed), in end wasn't successful and im 100% happy with the medium pointed and it just confirms there isnt a better pick for me.
Anyways! post in the thread and your post number will be your "raffel number"
Ill pay for shipping its what 1.50? least i can do for the bundle of knowledge and time ive spent on this forum!
Ill pick a winner by friday :thumbsup:

Heres the v picks the little pack will come with:
2x V pick Shredder (5$ each)
V Pick Dimension ( 10S)
V Pick Dimension Un-Buffed (10$)
V Pick Switchblade ($5)

P.S. No wear at all, all are picks brand new.
I'll enter - just for the Shredder picks if you want to split the winning and send the others to someone else
If I win I promise to also pass them on if I don't dig them.

Ill have to add that if you arnt used to v-picks these will be a little overwhelming at first but give them a try and if you like them but feel there a little big i cannot recommend the medium pointed enough! so think of it as a introduction to v picks!
i was a strict jazz III user and will not be going back as the medium pointed are the ideal jazz fusion pick.

I've been searching for the pick for me lately. Jazz IIIs and Blacks aren't doing it anymore.
hthomas":2o8i55d0 said:
im in! they look really cool! you can pick me for my bday! :)

Tempting but wouldnt be fair maybe ill put your name in twice for good favor or maybe not... :thumbsup: