Will a Kemper Power rack work with Captor X?


New member
I use a Kemper Power Rack for live playing so it has a 8 ohm 600W RMS but I see that the Captor X only allows up to 100 W. Would I be destroying the Captor X by hooking my Kemper up via speaker cable?
You probably would if you cranked it up.
FWIW, my 600w Kemper doesn't seem much if any louder than my 100w tube heads. Not sure if it was louder than my 5150 50w either. Some geek could chime in here to shed some light on SS watts vs Tube watts
It is relative... if you plug it in and put it at full blast, you're gonna kill it. But, if you have it set at a lower volume, one that is under the rating of the Cap X, you'll be OK. You just need to be REALLY careful