Will Gibson's woes have impact on Suhr Production?

I apologize if this question is naive - I'm writing from the other side of the planet and have a vague understanding of Gibson's problems.

For all of us with guitars in the queue to be built, will the US Governments actions against Gibson have any impact on Suhr's ability to build and export guitars?

Sean in Singapore
I would think not. The Feds are only out to get Gibson for their business practices of aquiring wood from places where it is illegal to do so. This isn't the first time Gibson has been hit by the Feds either....the Feds hit'em less than two years ago for the same thing. I think it's great, because I never liked Gibson or much of their business practices anyways. John Suhr takes great pride in the reputation of his company and would never get mixed up in something like this. As a matter of fact, Suhr & Co. announced a little while back that they would not be offering Brazilian Rosewood as an option anymore, which I suppose is because it's no longer available from a legal source...or perhaps from it just being too much trouble to aquire legally. I've got a Suhr on order myself. I don't think it will impact our orders whatsoever.
I would not worry about that. Gibson was delving in some very illegal activity in order for the feds to get involved. The Feds don't just pick on people without hard evidence. I am sure Gibson was illegally obtaining the woods for cheap prices and then selling the guitars to us for 3K+. There is much more to it than we know about. Don't feel bad for Gibson.