Bass tone

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Bob Savage
Well-known member
So after various phases of trying to get a good bass tone, I've decided that the only way there is by micing a bass cab.

SOOOO... I've already got a Sansamp RBI which I really like, so I'm thinking of picking up a power amp and a bass cab and would like to see what kind of suggestions you guys who have put bass rigs together have.

I'm looking at bang for buck here. I don't want to skimp because I want a good bass tone, but what I want is to get right at that point where the law of diminishing returns begins.

What think ye?
What type of bass tone?

Steve Harris?

Geddy Lee Rick 4001?

Tessarct uber twang metal?

Theme to Sponge Bob?

passive or active pups with preamps?

I have no clue why I am asking these questions cause I will not have an answer for you after you tell me what you are looking for.
Digital Jams":a2d5f said:
What type of bass tone?

Steve Harris?

Geddy Lee Rick 4001?

Tessarct uber twang metal?

Theme to Sponge Bob?

passive or active pups with preamps?

I have no clue why I am asking these questions cause I will not have an answer for you after you tell me what you are looking for.

I like the twangy, thick metal sounding bass tone. One of the best bass sounds I've heard in a long time is the one on "The Pot" from the latest Tool release. It's twangy, but not thin, thick, but doesn't walk on the drums at all.

I'm not quite to the point of worrying about pups, but my Conklin GT5 has active pups.
SWR cabs are pretty punchy and mic up really well. As for the sound that you referenced, I'm fairly certain that it was a GK head with a Wal bass, I'm not sure about the cabs, but I could probably find out. The best twangy, thick metal bass sounds come from a GK 800RB. One of the best bass tones that I have ever gotten was a Music Man Stinray bass through a GK 800RB into an SWR 6x10 cab. Killer.
orangekick":01cf2 said:
SWR cabs are pretty punchy and mic up really well. As for the sound that you referenced, I'm fairly certain that it was a GK head with a Wal bass, I'm not sure about the cabs, but I could probably find out. The best twangy, thick metal bass sounds come from a GK 800RB. One of the best bass tones that I have ever gotten was a Music Man Stinray bass through a GK 800RB into an SWR 6x10 cab. Killer.

Thanks for the input bud. I've heard a lot of good things about the 800RB. If the RBI into a power amp thing doesn't work out like I expect it to, I'm going to check that thing out.
I'm not convinced that you need to mic a bass cab to get good bass tone. Our last bassist had an amazing sounding bass made out of a wood called bubinga. He went DI into my Great River NV2. I thought I was going to have to reamp but the DI takes sounds fantastic! I'm convinced that with bass, the wood is where it's at. I'd like to pick up a bass just like his one of these days.
have you tried the AMPEG SVX plugin? seems a bit pricey though.

or considered an SVT
Mood Bender":9ebd6 said:
have you tried the AMPEG SVX plugin? seems a bit pricey though.

or considered an SVT

I don't like modellers for bass for the same reason I don't like them for guitar. The bass is always a little odd in them. I recently upgraded to Amplitube2 and it is a big step up but the bass seems to be exaggerated and loose. It sounds unnatural. I'm using it as a tool for reamping later on but I wouldn't use it for a main guitar track. If IK didn't get it right with Amplitube then I don't think the SVX plug in will sound good either.

I got myself a Hartke 4x10 with the aluminum cones for $200 and it sound great. It doesn't sound as rich/round as my Mesa 4x10 but bang for the buck, it's great.
I don't use modelers for guitar either, but bass is a bit different IMO. I often use Sans Amp BDDI but the SVX thing has peaked my interest.

Anyone with any experience with the SVX?
defpearlpilot":61b52 said:
I'm not convinced that you need to mic a bass cab to get good bass tone. Our last bassist had an amazing sounding bass made out of a wood called bubinga. He went DI into my Great River NV2. I thought I was going to have to reamp but the DI takes sounds fantastic! I'm convinced that with bass, the wood is where it's at. I'd like to pick up a bass just like his one of these days.

After dealing with a lot of bass tracks, both direct and miced, my conclusion is that a good bass tone relies on the entire chain, including the speaker(s), just like a good guitar tone does. I'm not even going to debate it, actually, because I'm not going to be swayed otherwise.
Mood Bender":13962 said:
have you tried the AMPEG SVX plugin? seems a bit pricey though.

or considered an SVT

I'm not considering modelers, DI's, preamps, etc. I've thought about the SVT, but right now I'm thinking more along the lines of either using my RBI, power amp and cabs, or jumping on a GK 800RB with cabs (2x10 and 1x15).
Hey Bob,

Check out Genz band picked up the GBE 1200 head and it kicks all kinds of ass! Very Tool like bass tones. We are running it through an Ampeg 8x10 cab. You can run either all 8 speakers or just the top or bottom half, which is cool. The GBE 1200 costs around $1200-$1300 I think.

BOOBIES":de5ca said:
Hey Bob,

Check out Genz band picked up the GBE 1200 head and it kicks all kinds of ass! Very Tool like bass tones. We are running it through an Ampeg 8x10 cab. You can run either all 8 speakers or just the top or bottom half, which is cool. The GBE 1200 costs around $1200-$1300 I think.


Dang, that sounds like a smokin' amp, but I'm hoping to spend no more than about $700 for this rig. I've already got the Sansamp RBI, so the preamp is out of the way if I go with the RBI, power amp and cabs. The other alternative is sell the RBI and pool the cash with the $600-$700 I have. I'm actually pretty interested in the GK 800RB, as I hear it does that thick, twangy type tone too. Have you heard the 800RB?

is this more cost effective with a cab?

Actually I don't know what these go for so I don't know if its a good deal or not. :lol: :lol:
strungup":0dce3 said:

is this more cost effective with a cab?

That's not bad, but I'm thinking I might be able to snipe one on ebay for less. :D What is Music Go Round, by the way? I've never checked that site out... used gear reseller? Maybe I should just look. :D

I'm not sure I understand your question.
I followed up with I wasn't sure if it was a good price or not. I haven't priced bass equipment. If it was maybe a better way to go then buying a poweramp if it has the tone you wanted. I know for the remaining couple hundred you could get a bass cab.

Music go round is a chain across the country that sells used music gear. They have some great deals and over priced deals. If they had something awhile you get it crazy prices. At least the ones around me.
Mood Bender":be9af said:
I don't use modelers for guitar either, but bass is a bit different IMO. I often use Sans Amp BDDI but the SVX thing has peaked my interest.

Anyone with any experience with the SVX?

The only reason that I bring it up is that the guitar modellers have exaggerated bass. So I would imagine the bass modellers would have the same problem.
Bob Savage":71428 said:

After dealing with a lot of bass tracks, both direct and miced, my conclusion is that a good bass tone relies on the entire chain, including the speaker(s), just like a good guitar tone does. I'm not even going to debate it, actually, because I'm not going to be swayed otherwise.

We can agree to disagree. Perhaps you are pickier with bass tone. When it comes to bass though, I'd invest more in the instrument then in the head+cab. I have a great Mesa rig right now that just doesn't sound as full as that Bubinga bass. :love:
strungup":009b6 said:
I followed up with I wasn't sure if it was a good price or not. I haven't priced bass equipment. If it was maybe a better way to go then buying a poweramp if it has the tone you wanted. I know for the remaining couple hundred you could get a bass cab.

Music go round is a chain across the country that sells used music gear. They have some great deals and over priced deals. If they had something awhile you get it crazy prices. At least the ones around me.

I might be overcomplicating things, because I really like the sound of my RBI through a power amp. Perhaps the first thing I should do is scope out a power amp, then go for the cabs... on the other hand, the GK has a built in crossover, which would be a nice feature. Ugh...