Amps You Have Purchased More Than Once

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6505+ twice. VTM60 3 times and I'm currently shopping for a 4th. Ceriatone 2204 - first one I had modded but I have a second one on order that will be left stock.

Not exactly the same amp but I sold my KSR Orthos mk2 50 watt and replaced it with an Ares 50. The Ares suits me more. I don't really use a clean channel so the Ares is damn near perfect for me
Yeah I’m guilty as hell. Unfortunately I don’t have the money to own and keep all the amps I dig. So I usually have off one to get one.

Mark V 5x
Mark IV 4x
Recto’s 6x
Herbert 3x
Vh4 x3
Bogner XTC 4x
20th Shiva x3
Ubers x5
Various 800’s JMP’s 6x

I’m sure there are few more. It’s a sickness for sure.
Carvin Legacy
Mesa Stiletto Ace (current)
Peavey 5150+ (6505+)
I've had 3 of the Peavey 5150 heads; two block letters and a sig. Then I had two EVH 5150 III heads, but one was 100 watt and one was 50. I had a Redbear MK60 and a MK120 at one point. The only other one was a Dual Rectifier, but one was a rev G and the other a Tremoverb. I'm going to own another Dual Rectifier at some point.
QuickRod 100
Mark III (both black dots)
Triple rectifier (still have 1)
Mark V25
Marshall Superlead 1959 (still have both)
5150 (still have one)
Mesa Boogie Quad (wish I kept one)
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Boogies, I have bought Mark II, III, & IV's of all types over and over. Now I've the Boogie Quad preamp and all that is good in those amps is in the Quad.

I also, like everyone, have bought and sold so many Marshalls it is uncountable, but I still have a 1974 full stack that gets pretty much daily use.

But, I am buying another motherfucking Les Paul! Again! It's a nightmare for me, I just can't resist having an LP in the house. At least this time I can't lose $$$$ selling it because it's a "tribute" model which I liked when I had one but regretfully sold it to buy a "real" LP. I swear off LP's for a while and then I see one and obsess over owning it.

I have shitty shitty diarrhea G.A.S. for Les Pauls! It's like being lactose intolerant and eating ice cream, resistance is futile because it looks so good.
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The only “amp” (not counting preamps) I’ve repeated is Laney AOR 50 watt, but they were a series 1 and series 2, and the second one was a hostage as the person owed me money.

The series 2 sounded like shit compared to the series 1
i've probably had 10 mark IV's. 4 simul satellites, probably a dozen mark III's, 6 or 7 c+'s, 4 or 5 IIB's, several 5150's, 4 or 5 fender champ/vibro champs, 2 kempers, 3 marshall 8100's, thats all i can think of rn.
i was pretty nuts with buying and selling between like 2002-2012
Only 1 for me:

Bogner Shiva 20th

But I’m periodically on the prowl for another Diezel Hagen and Randall RH100
Remember when we were all flipping Peavey 5150s for $500-$600? I bought my first one for $250 (beat to shit from a car crash in the bed of a pickup truck). Now I wouldn't sell mine for 2 grand.
Remember when we were all flipping Peavey 5150s for $500-$600? I bought my first one for $250 (beat to shit from a car crash in the bed of a pickup truck). Now I wouldn't sell mine for 2 grand.

I bought a 5150 in like-new condition for $350 around 2005 or so. I sold it a year or so after that for twice what I paid for it and still kick myself for not having kept it. It was such a great amp. Like I said a few posts above though, I bought another 5150 recently and this one's not going anywhere.