Clean boost opinions

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Hey all,

I have many many boosts but do not really have a clean boost. There are a lot of manufacturers right now and I just wanted to see what people liked for a clean boost. Thanks in advance.
My vote will go for a modded EP Booster ..... one with a 9 -18 volt switch ... + 3 db switch ... bright switch .... and last but not least a Fat switch .
Not exactly clean boosts (most IME aren’t that great anyway imho), but I’d say:

Thorpy Team Medic (my 2nd favorite boost I’ve had after going through almost 170 now)

Ibanez PQ-401

TC Electronic Integrated Pre (better than the Dirty Tree and Fortin’s that are copying it)

‘70’s Boulder Notch (sounds similar to the integrated pre, but more subtle and way cheaper)
anything built by griff10672. seriously. At one time I had 5 of his builds in front of my stereo set up with zero noise. And honestly the screamer or the chiron work great in that role imo. Or he can build you something I'm sure.
Buxom Boost can do it. The Fortin Hex Drive as well, just keep the drive low, (in essence, it's a clean boost with the drive at noon or less).
Creation Audio Labs MK 4.23 Clean boost. The new ones come with bumped internal 75ma rating that matches the old 49v ones from the mid 2000's.

Suhr Kiko Shiba 18V, or Buxom Boost is good too.

What amp are you looking to pimp slap up front?
Creation Audio Labs MK 4.23 Clean boost. The new ones come with bumped internal 75ma rating that matches the old 49v ones from the mid 2000's.

Suhr Kiko Shiba 18V, or Buxom Boost is good too.

What amp are you looking to pimp slap up front?
I mostly just want a little more neutral flavor to slap the front of amps. Right now for the front end pedals I have:
  1. TC Integrated Preamp
  2. Fortin TS
  3. SD-1
  4. Empress ParaEQ with boost
  5. Airis Aggressive Screamer
  6. Griffon Chiron
  7. VFE Dragon
  8. VFE Tilt
  9. KHDK In Waves
  10. KHDK Ascendency
So I'm just seeing if I am missing anything sweet for the front end. I also was looking at the Lichtlaerm Audio "Aesahaettr"
anything built by griff10672. seriously. At one time I had 5 of his builds in front of my stereo set up with zero noise. And honestly the screamer or the chiron work great in that role imo. Or he can build you something I'm sure.
Thanks, man. I do have a Chiron! and it slaps. I may have to hit Griff up for something spicy here soon haha
VFE Tilt is a very good one. Clean, quiet and flexible. Once the parameters are set it gives you easy one-knob EQ tweaking.
Had an old Dod BiFET preamp for years, same deal: one knob for gain, another that sculpts both highs and lows at once.
I’m all about the TC Spark Mini. One knob. Clean level boost only. Totally transparent.