Running two amps .....

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Figured I'd post this ...... there always seems to be a two amp / WDW rig thread going ...... I figured this might help some people out

I love it…and I hate it. Not sure how exactly mine is set up. Instead of two separate amps having their own distinct sounds…I am running my primary through the 2nd amps power section with my effects split in stereo between them. So basically it’s two ultra plus’s. My main headaches has been loop hum. I use a little cheap Pyle two channel passive unit that works great. I discovered this week that my audio interface was causing me some noise. The laptop always has. Considering what all I’m running it’s quiet now. And I have no noise reduction pedals except for what is loaded in my Ms-3. It’s a pain sometimes but damn…when it works it works…
I switched back to a single amp about 15 years after decades of using 2 or more amp rigs.
Great vid.Love using 2 amps. That is what I do when I'm in a 2 guitar band, ( f.o.h is blending 4 amps),but when I'm the only guitar player I run a full w/d/w rig when possible..
Besides portability, any reason?
More consistent live sound.
Every live show they mixed it different.
When running two amps the envelope is different in the two amp. The two different attacks made for less definition. The two different attack also made a pretty big effect on the feel. More obvious when playing fast.

There is some great stuff you can do blending amps. But I wanted a more simple rig. Less to think about when playing live.
Sometimes I was using three amps
Switching and blending. My rhythm sound was a Mesa Tremoverb and THD Flexi. My lead and clean sound I got from a Mesa Mark IV. Each amp with a 4x12.
Now I usually use a half stack.