What albums or bands would you re-amp??

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Bark at the Moon
Any of the first few Racer X releases, or just about any Shrapnel releases for that matter.. imagine what they'd sound like with the guitar tone on "The Scream"
Dr. Mastermind's self titled album, re-amped with a Mesa Mark 2b.
Type O Negative

I love that band, but hate the 90s digital distortion crap. If they used real amps instead of processors, that band would be great.
Bark at the Moon
Any of the first few Racer X releases, or just about any Shrapnel releases for that matter.. imagine what they'd sound like with the guitar tone on "The Scream"
The tone is clean on BARK that it shows how good Jake is
Type O Negative

I love that band, but hate the 90s digital distortion crap. If they used real amps instead of processors, that band would be great.
Dude . That tone is their sound . Perfect for them
Dude . That tone is their sound . Perfect for them
Could make that argument about any band, really. I just feel like if that band used Matamp Green amps and real gain, it would be so much heavier than the digital processor distortion.
Agree with the 2 Randy Ozzy albums, but not sure if it was the mix that messed it up or the guitar sounds. I’d lean more on the mix maybe.

Hurricane first self-titled album from the late 80’s. Great 80’s hair music but just washed in too many effects. You literally hear the modulation sweep.

Pretty much all the Shrapnel records from the 80's/early 90's
I will fight you. At least let Maximum Security stay as is. Love that Rockman-esque tone.

Sidenote: I know a lot of guys say MacAlpine used a Peavey with the 800mhz freq pegged, but in the liner notes of George Lynch's Will Play for Food album he says he recorded Tears of Sahara with Tony's Rockman.
Anything by Eddie Van Halen re-amped with a maxed out Gorilla, boosted with a Metalzone and recorded with 2008 Motorola flip phone.
Add an OG Boss Dr.Rhythm drum track and the the vocalist from the band Gutalax.
Angry truck driving music to last all night.
I'd re-amp like 90% of newer records by older bands. Replace the high-gain amps they use on their current records with stuff they used to use back in the day (like Plexis for instance) and it'd immediately sound much better sonically.
Agree with the 2 Randy Ozzy albums, but not sure if it was the mix that messed it up or the guitar sounds. I’d lean more on the mix maybe.

Hurricane first self-titled album from the late 80’s. Great 80’s hair music but just washed in too many effects. You literally hear the modulation sweep.

This tone is perfect for this type of music, way better than the insanely dry tones of modern metal would work in this style.
You literally hear the modulation sweep.
That's typically the case with flangers and ring mods. Too bad they didn't use it as a punch-in effect for occasional coloring, but the whole track has this flangy crap going on.... Good singer tho'... (and a rather scrumptuous bosom on that album cover, methinks. :p )
Even though I love the unique vibe of G.I.S.M. I'd be interested in hearing an alternate universe where the production on their stuff was more like typical 80s Heavy Metal with a cleaner vocalist.

I feel like they'd sound like an above-average J-Metal band if that happened. Though Randy Uchida Group existed and was more or less what I'm describing.
I make it a habit to pretty much EQ my guitars opposite of Metallica. Mids boosted, bass and treble slightly less than 12 o clock. Being a traditional Heavy Metal guy it's pretty hard to find demos on YT that aren't just chugga chugga djent shit, so I'll often watch Metallica style gear demos and think "yeah this will sound good with the EQ settings changed."