The dumb Biden and Trump debate

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The meltdown has officially begun.
It’s gonna be even better than when he beat hillary. I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy it all.
You lefties don’t loose your shit and set yourselves on fire before the actual election!
Especially you charveldan ?
It's actually pretty scary that Biden is in charge of anything.
He couldn't qualify for assistant manager at a hotdog on a stick.
Trump was full of shit and lied about obviously untrue, easily disprovable things the whole time, did not answer a single question as asked.

Host: "What is your plan for combating climate change?"
Trump: "Police LOVE me and they HATE Biden!"
Host: "Thank you Mr President"

Biden actually had specific answers for stuff here and there but looked like the Crypt Keeper's stunt double and seemed like he was about to die on stage.

I think America lost the debate.
People who dismiss Trump for not answering questions directly don't get it - he does that shit on purpose. He's always done it on purpose.

Has literally NO ONE read Aristotle? It's textbook Rhetoric vs Dialectic.

Trump realized something most conservatives don't "Get" very, very early on - that most people are dumb, and can't be convinced with facts. He literally does it on purpose, and it's part of why he's so popular - besides being the only politician of either party to say the obvious truth/emperor is naked about immigration and gross LGBT sex perverts.

Shitlibbery, as a whole, is just mad that a GOP candidate is doing it successfully. Historically, it's been populists on the left like FDR who've taken advantage of rhetoric as opposed to "Sweet reason."

Clinton (who FUCKING FAMOUSLY did it so successfully Christopher Hitchens named his book "No one left to lie to" and Clinton's strategist literally called it "Triangulating" - as in both the truth, and politically) was so popular with low IQ/income women and minorities because he did the exact same thing.
Trump was full of shit and lied about obviously untrue, easily disprovable things the whole time, did not answer a single question as asked.

Host: "What is your plan for combating climate change?"
Trump: "Police LOVE me and they HATE Biden!"
Host: "Thank you Mr President"

Biden actually had specific answers for stuff here and there but looked like the Crypt Keeper's stunt double and seemed like he was about to die on stage.

I think America lost the debat
You should watch that again (if you can stomach it a 2nd time) you guys literally got slaughtered.
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This is the correct answer.

It baffles me how Trump supporters don’t have their intelligence insulted by him every time he opens his mouth. He talks to them like they are morons and they lap it up.
Like the exact same thing can’t be said about Biden and every other politician in your lifetime. ?
Please explain how so?

Aside from all the bullshit boasting he does about being the absolute best at everything, he does nothing but play into his supporter’s insecurities; and not in a good way. A president should acknowledge and listen to what the people are nervous or worried about, but Trump uses that knowledge and exploits it. He straight up manipulates people.
All politicians are assholes and they all lie and spin stuff, but Trump simply preys on his supporters
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Aside from all the bullshit boasting he does about being the absolute best at everything, he does nothing but play into his supporter’s insecurities; and not in a good way. A president should acknowledge and listen to what the people are nervous or worried about, but Trump uses that knowledge and exploits it. He straight up manipulates people.
All politicians are assholes and they all lie and spin stuff, but Trump simply preys on his supporters
We watched the POTUS shit himself on television last night but yeah, “Trump is a bad man”…

Today is going to be entertaining lol
There's no way they are going to let Biden on the debate stage again. Who knows what excuse they will use to avoid it...but man, that was about as rough as it gets.
I figured they wanted him to debate to rally their troops to remove him.