The dumb Biden and Trump debate

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I still don't understand why people hate Trump so much. Basically the only thing that was different under Trump was the economy was in much better shape. That's about it.

Biden has always been this retarded but they usually juice the fuck out of him with Provigil and amphetamines, Ritalin for when he actually has to speak, they must've messed up the dosing/timing.
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I still don't understand why people hate Trump so much. Basically the only thing that was different under Trump was the economy was in much better shape. That's about it.

Biden has always been this retarded but they usually juice the fuck out of him with Provigil for when he actually has to speak, they must've messed up the dosing/timing.
That's why it's called Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS
Now Magoo's no good gold digging whore wife is on a Podium doin her best to keep the Money Train Rolling..
It's beyond weak as fuck that she's up there running her mouth while Magoo stands back looking like he's pissing his pants.. BIDEN IS WEAK.
She's been doin the roll the music credits role, running out to save him from disaster for a while now.

Truly a bizzaro world..
Not to this extent.
Meh, I think your reading a bit much into it, none of us think Trump is Jesus, we all get what he is and that he has a big ego, we just lost all the give a shits we had left. At this point we are done worrying about all the drama you guys are so caught up in..
As long as no democrats are pissed off about being lied to for the last 3-4 years, about all the made up by democrats Russia bullshit, about democrats using the entire justice system to take down a political opponent in a completely illegal manner, about democrats corrupting 3 branches of govt for their own means, and about democrats using social media to spread nothing but lies while they accused everyone else of what they themselves were doing, we just don’t give a shit anymore.
You guys had a good run, but nobody on our side cares anymore about being called racist or extreme or any other pet names democrats have used until it doesn’t mean anything anymore, so you’ll have to regroup and come up with better shit to fling at the walls

Meanwhile. charveldan is somewhere wetting himself and thinking about self emulation ?
People like this act like the world revolves around them.. Really nobody gives a fuck. Anomalies come and go.. Darwin..
Well, it’s a tragedy they have been fed such fear-mongering lies and believed them. Hopefully if Trump is elected they wait a bit to see if the squads are coming before they off themselves ?