The dumb Biden and Trump debate

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Biden spewed out so many lies that even CNN fact checked him. One thing that this debate surely exposed is that Biden is not running the country,
he is a puppet they wheel out for "show" .I want to know who is actually calling the shots.
I loved watching the meltdowns on CNN and MSNBC immediately following the debate.
that shit was priceless
What a shit show. Trump was full of shit and Biden shit himself.
It’s so rare to have 2 losers in a debate; Trump couldn’t tell the truth and Biden didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Either way, we’re in for some shit, folks.
Biden spewed out so many lies that even CNN fact checked him. One thing that this debate surely exposed is that Biden is not running the country,
he is a puppet they wheel out for "show" .I want to know who is actually calling the shots.
I loved watching the meltdowns on CNN and MSNBC immediately following the debate.
that shit was priceless
Haha, they always put their spin on things but there was no spinning this. Biden may as well have walked onstage with his pants to his knees and sucking his thumb.
It’s so rare to have 2 losers in a debate; Trump couldn’t tell the truth and Biden didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Either way, we’re in for some shit, folks.
I keep hearing you marxists claiming that Trump lied thruout, but just saying it repeatedly doesn’t make it true. Why have none of you laid out all of these lies you claim he told? You don’t have to answer because we all know that the only lies told that night came from Pedo Pete’s mouth. FFS, the debate wasn’t even over before the Border Patrol Union issued a statement saying they had never endorsed Biden and never would. Show us these lies you claim Trump told, or STFU. You are in the mess you are now because voting has consequences. You wasted your endorsing a degenerate scumbag.
I keep hearing you marxists claiming that Trump lied thruout, but just saying it repeatedly doesn’t make it true. Why have none of you laid out all of these lies you claim he told? You don’t have to answer because we all know that the only lies told that night came from Pedo Pete’s mouth. FFS, the debate wasn’t even over before the Border Patrol Union issued a statement saying they had never endorsed Biden and never would. Show us these lies you claim Trump told, or STFU. You are in the mess you are now because voting has consequences. You wasted your endorsing a degenerate scumbag.
Within an hour of the debate ending CNN, NBC, Reuters, NPR all had the same headline. Coincidence ?
These are not unbiased fact checkers. Trump may have spouted some numbers out his ass, but Biden lied as much or more. The "Suckers and losers" thing, debunked long ago. There is no record anywhere or even an indication that Trump wants to cut social security.

The people bloviating about Trump's lies are merely following orders. They're liberals with TDS. They are fine with destroying this country as long as all their friends know they hate Trump.

Biden said yesterday that evidence/research shows that he converted more undecideds in the debate than Trump did. That's why his own party is trying desperately to figure out how to get rid of him. But Trump is the liar ?
Amp makers that:
- Demanded wire transfer payment on the balance due to their Step-Daughter's German bank account in order to evade the financial authorities and then sabotaged that very same product with circuit destroying epoxy resin.
- Sold tubes worth 440 EUR to a loyal customer but refused to ship them, which resulted in a 5 YEAR odyssey to get his money back.
- Sold a fully rebuilt custom amp to another loyal customer that had design flaws and parts that made the amp break down 10 days after receivership, which resulted in the customer paying almost half a grand USD out of pocket to fix it.

All of the above are the actions of @novosibir aka Helmut "Larry" Grohmann of Larry amplification. Do you really want someone only 7 years younger than Joe Biden and with a self admitted malignant narcissism disorder (like D*n*ld Tr*mp) building your amp? Buyer beware!
If you read the signature of this frustrated, bitter pensioner who is filled with hatred and envy of my life without thinking, then some people might initially get the impression that I am a despicable person from whom it is better to keep a distance...

... in any case, that would correspond to the longing wish of this obviously psychopathic person and the real events only become clear once you have heard the response from the other side, my side, in addition to his subjective, falsified and drastically dramatized presentation.

In any case, I doubt the mental health of this senior citizen if events that happened 13 years ago and through which he suffered no disadvantage or damage are still burning in his soul so much today that he sends them out into the world through his signature, fanatically like a sex offender, with the sole aim of doing me the greatest possible harm and dragging my reputation through the mud.

Below I will examine the details and then ask you to use common sense to judge how mentally ill someone appears to be who, like a defiant preschool child, cries and denounces 13-year-old events that a normal-thinking person would only laugh at:

"Demanded wire transfer payment on the balance due to their Step-Daughter's German bank account in order to evade the financial authorities"

We used to have frequent financial transactions in the past, but here I had asked him once to transfer the money to another account this time and it was for another reason than he claimed.

This didn't put him at any disadvantage and it didn't cost him a single cent more.

Why is he crying about it now 13 years later and wanting the rest of the world to know about it?

Does he really think others will find this information interesting? How mentally ill is he really?

"and then sabotaged that very same product with circuit destroying epoxy resin"

The partially epoxy covering did not damage the circuit, but actually had a protective function for the components and is comparable to how H. A. Dumble completely covered his circuits with goop.
The reason for this at that time was so that his then best friend Mike Fortin, near whom this grandpa lives, would not again drill his curious eyes into my then very current circuit of my preamp and not copy another Larry circuit and then use it as his own development presented, just as Mike Fortin had done several times before.

I only had the 'top secret' area of my preamp cast with resin. See for yourself and judge how 'destructive' this was:


By the way, I recently heard from someone that Mike Fortin had promised him a certain amount of money and other benefits if he brought his Larry preamp to him for re-engineering after receiving it. This was no longer possible after my copy protection. Did that upset him?

"Sold tubes worth 440 EUR to a loyal customer but refused to ship them, which resulted in a 5 YEAR odyssey to get his money back"

This has NOT HIM affected, but someone else. I didn't send the tubes he ordered because the other person bad-mouthed me on another forum and so I transferred his money back to him.

A few years later, the other person complained that he hadn't gotten his money back.

I could no longer prove the repayment because I had Wirecard Bank at the time, which has since been liquidated and I no longer had access to past transactions online.

Just for the sake of peace, I transferred this 440 EUR to the other person again.

But if that was the only thing Grandpa found to criticize from my transactions over the past 13 years, then I'm really good and it would be a mark of quality for me.

Other manufacturers sometimes have 100 cases of discrepancies in payment transactions within 13 years - and if there was another case, Grandpa would know about it, because he has been spending a lot of his time for several years researching my life in CIA style and probably knows about it even my shoe size.

Again, how mentally ill does a person have to be to waste so much energy trying to portray mosquitoes as elephants on the Internet?

"Sold a fully rebuilt custom amp to another loyal customer that had design flaws and parts that made the amp break down 10 days after receivership, which resulted in the customer paying almost half a grand USD out of pocket to fix it"

Ouch, how to make a long story short? Ok I'll try my very best.

Grandpa had bought a Marshall amp in Hamburg on eBay Germany, which I rebuilt to a 3-channel amp already in 1994 and initially just wanted the amp to be checked and serviced by me, so the seller sent it to me.

When the amp was with me, grandpa had new modding ideas almost every day, which he discussed extensively with me and it ended with me rebuilding the amp from scratch based on Dino 939 and he even wanted the original Marshall/Dagnall trannys replaced with my Dino trannys.

That was a pilot project for me to build a unique piece, for which I had to design a lot of new things just for this single amp, since the conditions in a Marshall chassis are completely different than in a Dino chassis.

Preamp tubes are at the back and not at the front like on the Dino, input is on the right and not on the left like on the Dino, trannys are both on the right and not right/left like on the Dino, etc. etc.

When the amp was in his hands after the complete rebuild, one of the filter caps failed 10 days later - but for cost reasons it was previously agreed not to change the old electrolytics after they showed me good readings, but that doesn't mean a guarantee. Why is he still crying about it still today?

A little later, Grandpa complained that when the gain was fully turned up in the British or Scream channel, a slight cross-talk could be heard in the Clean channel. A phenomenon that didn't appear here for me, otherwise I wouldn't have sent the amp. It wasn't my ears either, because before sending it, other guitarists with good ears had also played the amp and found it perfect.

But no matter, I simply believed him and in order to save him the high costs of shipping the amp back to Germany and back to Canada, I made a special board with a relay and sent it to him with very detailed instructions for installation.

Anyone with even a little bit of mechanical skill could have installed the board himselv within an hour and only 4 cables had to be soldered on.

Grandpa however was apparently too fine for it and had it installed by a technician who probably saw on his face that he was being ripped off regarding the costs?

As a thank you for everything and for more than 200 emails back and forth I now can read his signature dripping with hatred and bitterness under each of his posts? But it's not just me - he's so malicious that he wants everyone in the world to read his subjective, falsified and distorted version of history.

But he forgot that I had deducted about 20% of the actual costs to be calculated with the costs for the new rebuild - just so that the costs for the rebuild together with the costs for the amp he has payed wouldn't be too close to the price of a real Dino.

How can you help such a frustrated, bitter and mentally lost person to see things clearly and realistically again? Unfortunately, he is already too old for psychotherapy to be promising - this is over by the age of 40 at the latest, after which you are resistant to therapy. Yes, I know that, because I also used to study psychology in the past.

He's just a pathetic and pitiable person, this thegame, and now I feel more sorry for him than I can be angry with him. He doesn't have a good life, otherwise he wouldn't be like that.

Finally, I would like to apologize to all of you in advance for the future.

I don't want to bother you with my posts, but I don't know in advance who will read a post from thegame for the first time and therefore read his signature for the first time, so unfortunately I have to quote his posts every time the game publishes a post with this signature in the future and explain it with this text – until perhaps enlightenment comes to his brain and he changes his signature.

I'm really sorry guys, but there's no other way.

Please understand and just scroll over this post if you already know it.


It would be really cool if you kept your slap fight out of our debate thread.
I would be ready for it.
However, when you see thegame's intention in his signature, you know that's exactly what he doesn't want.
He wants to make his frustration known to everyone and publicly trash my reputation.
Unfortunately, there are people who need something like that 🤷‍♂️
It would be really cool if you kept your slap fight out of our debate thread.
don't worry; Germany has another 10 years or so if they stay on their same merkeled path before they are overthrown by the invaders in their midst. It's a three way race to grand caliphate between UK, France and Germany...not sure which will fall first.

It's telling when the political parties in a supposedly democratic republic want to ban an opposition party because it's winning, eh Germany?

Guess Germany forgot what happened the last time they banned opposition political parties. 🤣
don't worry; Germany has another 10 years or so if they stay on their same merkeled path before they are overthrown by the invaders in their midst. It's a three way race to grand caliphate between UK, France and Germany...not sure which will fall first.

It's telling when the political parties in a supposedly democratic republic want to ban an opposition party because it's winning, eh Germany?

Guess Germany forgot what happened the last time they banned opposition political parties. 🤣
Don't worry about me and my future!
I own a 4-room apartment in Novosibirsk for 22 years, which is rented out very profitably, I speak Russian very well, better than English...

... and since July 1st, Germans have been able to apply for a second citizenship.
There is no question that I will apply for my Russian citizenship at the Russian Consulate in Munich this month...
... and I will get it, because I have contact with influential people in Novosibirsk.

If Germany actually collapses in the next few years, which will happen if the AfD doesn't get government power, then I know where :giggle:

And now you finally know where my forum name 'novosibir' comes from.
Yes, Novosibirsk and Siberia in general have been my second home for a very long time :cool:
Don't worry about me and my future!
I own a 4-room apartment in Novosibirsk for 22 years, which is rented out very profitably, I speak Russian very well, better than English...

... and since July 1st, Germans have been able to apply for a second citizenship.
There is no question that I will apply for my Russian citizenship at the Russian Consulate in Munich this month...
... and I will get it, because I have contact with influential people in Novosibirsk.

If Germany actually collapses in the next few years, which will happen if the AfD doesn't get government power, then I know where :giggle:

And now you finally know where my forum name 'novosibir' comes from.
Yes, Novosibirsk and Siberia in general have been my second home for a very long time :cool:
Seems like a good plan. If you make that move you should change your forum handle to "Sovtek Larry".
Meh, I think your reading a bit much into it, none of us think Trump is Jesus, we all get what he is and that he has a big ego, we just lost all the give a shits we had left. At this point we are done worrying about all the drama you guys are so caught up in..
As long as no democrats are pissed off about being lied to for the last 3-4 years, about all the made up by democrats Russia bullshit, about democrats using the entire justice system to take down a political opponent in a completely illegal manner, about democrats corrupting 3 branches of govt for their own means, and about democrats using social media to spread nothing but lies while they accused everyone else of what they themselves were doing, we just don’t give a shit anymore.
You guys had a good run, but nobody on our side cares anymore about being called racist or extreme or any other pet names democrats have used until it doesn’t mean anything anymore, so you’ll have to regroup and come up with better shit to fling at the walls

Meanwhile. charveldan is somewhere wetting himself and thinking about self emulation 🤣

The “supporters” I was referring to do believe he is the second coming of Christ. Not all of his supporters do, but the ones he prays on do.
We all know Biden sucks too, so obviously Trump is going to get votes from those who find him to be the lesser of two evils, but to think he will do any good for our country is imo foolish, and a result of the fear mongering he basis his campaign on.

You may not mind being called racist anymore, but the shit that Trump stands for is for sure racist, ignorant and short sighted. It is not the “left wing machine” making that up. They are certainly using it to their advantage, but they didn’t create the mud. Trump brought everything he’s getting right now upon himself. He has no one to blame but himself
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