Internet versus reality

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mad Axe
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The internet has seemingly created an entire world of "experts" on anything and everything. Don't even get me started on it creating at least 2 generations of mental level narcissists.
And yet, here I am, typing on the internet. I'm not so sure we're not all stuck in some bad 60's Sci-Fi movie.
You're not wrong.

So many folks chime in on subjects they have zero experience in.
I have some experience and chime in when I think it may help?

Otherwise, if I chime in on something I don't have experience in, you'll easily know I'm goofing.
I won't waste my or your time pretending to be an expert...

My father always told me "if you're talking, you're not learning"
yes, too many internet myths cought up over time. you "have to" this, you "have to" that.

also - the modeler "supremacy" and tube amps going extinct narrative really gets on my nerves.

- I do sound in small club (300 people), over 70% guys use our JCM800 backline, other 20% bring their own heads, 10% bring modelers.
- I visit Brutal Assault festival every year (around 150 bands in 4 days, mostly metal) last year it was 70% amps, 30% modelers... and a lot of those 30% had amps utilized as poweramps for modelers.
- random small jazz clubs - ALL amps
- medium sized concerts (1000-2000 people), I rarely see a modeler.
- the ONLY market I see modelers dominating is people playing weddings

then I go on facebook and all I see is "eVerY BOdY iS usInG ModeLers"

maybe there's a huge discrepancy between USA and EU about this matter, or I'm just crazy
Man, you guys really gotta try taking your preamp tube covers off.
Mine are always off :dunno:

You're not wrong.

So many folks chime in on subjects they have zero experience in.
I have some experience and chime in when I think it may help?

Otherwise, if I chime in on something I don't have experience in, you'll easily know I'm goofing.
I won't waste my or your time pretending to be an expert...

My father always told me "if you're talking, you're not learning"

If I chime in on something if I'm not an expert in it, but I try to remember to mention that I'm not an expert in it. :yes:
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Mine are always off :dunno:

If I chime in on something and I'm not an expert in it, I try to remember to mention that I'm not an expert in it. :yes:

I mean, same - if someone is having a convo on bass gear or grab n go quilters, I can chime in with my experiences and impressions, but i'm not gonna pretend i've spent the time on that, that I have on gigging and recording higher gain tones with big amps :ROFLMAO:
The internet has seemingly created an entire world of "experts" on anything and everything. Don't even get me started on it creating at least 2 generations of mental level narcissists.
And yet, here I am, typing on the internet. I'm not so sure we're not all stuck in some bad 60's Sci-Fi movie.

This is about as accurate as it gets. I'm a member of a Facebook group called Luthier's Club. Whenever someone posts a question, you get about a hundred responses from idiots that have pretty much zero knowledge about anything related to luthiery, and they will defend their idiotic answers and argue until they're blue in the face. They have probably read something on the internet, misunderstood it, and now they think they are an expert. I'm pretty much at the point where I'm going to unfollow the group because most of the other real knowledgeable guys have quit bothering to give their input. What's the point giving good advice when 10 morons will just argue with you?
This is about as accurate as it gets. I'm a member of a Facebook group called Luthier's Club. Whenever someone posts a question, you get about a hundred responses from idiots that have pretty much zero knowledge about anything related to luthiery, and they will defend their idiotic answers and argue until they're blue in the face. They have probably read something on the internet, misunderstood it, and now they think they are an expert. I'm pretty much at the point where I'm going to unfollow the group because most of the other real knowledgeable guys have quit bothering to give their input. What's the point giving good advice when 10 morons will just argue with you?

I completely ignored every facebook group that wasn't for buying and selliing (and those are STILL pretty bad about this) and it was one of the best gear related decisions i've ever made.

There are so many fucking morons, and absolutely no way to filter them out - I was a member of the Luthier's club group for a hot minute, and i may have seen enough idiotic opinions to give me a stroke

That group in specific is really, really, really bad
10% bring modelers
The last band I saw using all modelers was in 2018 and they had an electronic drum kit and they played and sounded like shit. Not sure what kinda drugs they were on but they were all faced sideways onstage.