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So I've been through about 10 RG's over the past 2 years, seems that can only get along with Ibanez 7 string necks, all of the "Wizard" profiles are too thin for my taste.
The only one that I would give another shot to would be the 2009-10 Wizard Prestige that cam on the RG1550M.
I love the 7620 and 752 necks , 7 string? no problem, but for some reason I just can't gel with their 6'ers.
So a friend of mine who loves J Customs told me to try and find an early J Custom with the RG J Custom neck
profile, it's thicker and rounder.
Well early J Custom prices are through the roof $$$$$$$, but I found one in Japan through Ikebe that is in "players" condition,
its got a couple of chips on the edges ,but it's actually in pretty good shape for a played 25 year old guitar.
So I talked them down to a great deal on my end and took a chance.
Well the neck on this feels almost exactly like the neck profiles on the RG7620's, the fret wire is Jumbo (SBB216-195) which is equal to 6105,
a little smaller than I like but they are pretty full and level. It's not in "collectible" condition but I don't care, I plan on gigging the shit out of it.
I've put a Red Bishop magic arm trem assembly and I think that's all I'm going to do to this one for now.
Steves Special Dimarzio in the bridge sounds very much like a Duncan distortion and the neck is a little narrower from edge to edge than I'm used to
but it's not really giving me any problems yet. The neck back shape feels very similar to my Charvel DK24 ( which really surprised me)
Any way enough rambling I just thought I'd share that if anyone else likes RG's but hates the paper thin flats necks then track one of these suckers down.
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Cool axe! Natural “binding” always gave me a boner. Happy NGD! 🔥

Why is that high dollar thing on older J-Customs? Are newer ones worse?

Measure that neck professionally if you can and you will have a nice reference for future purchases or custom orders.
HNGD! That's really nice!

I've got a 2011 J Custom, and it has a thicker neck than the Wizard profile, but it's still pretty thin. I get along ok with it, but the Jem necks seem to work even better for me. I got an aftermarket one for my RG550 after the stock neck got messed up (previous owner broke the truss rod and didn't tell me, and it ended up warping).
Cool axe! Natural “binding” always gave me a boner. Happy NGD! 🔥

Why is that high dollar thing on older J-Customs? Are newer ones worse?

Measure that neck professionally if you can and you will have a nice reference for future purchases or custom orders.
on all J customs actually what people are listing them for is insane
Which model is that? I had an RG2680M, which is sort of halfway between a Prestige and a J-Custom. It had an Ultra neck profile, which felt really fat by Ibanez standards. I ended up selling mine because I like the paper thin necks, but you might be into checking out some Ibanez guitars with the Ultra profile.
Congrats. They are awesome guitars.
I had one with the vine on it and it’s a different vine with more leafs than the Vai vines. It just messed me up playing if I did not pay attention. But the neck was a little thicker for sure.
Which model is that? I had an RG2680M, which is sort of halfway between a Prestige and a J-Custom. It had an Ultra neck profile, which felt really fat by Ibanez standards. I ended up selling mine because I like the paper thin necks, but you might be into checking out some Ibanez guitars with the Ultra profile.
RG1680, this has the RG J Custom profile which I believe is the same as the Ultra
Fantastic. Finding a perfect guitar to play with great tone regardless of what it looks like (chips and dings) is absolutely key. It’s like well fitting shoes or clothes. And well loved. Makes you feel better. Nice pick up Nick.
There are some AMAZING j customs out there. I’d also like to grab that Texas special that was made by j customs.