Back in the day, there was a "luthier to the stars" named Rod Schoepfer... had a shop for a while. Long story short he custom made brass inserts and the tone was to DIE for. Many of samboras main axes were done by him with parts from Neptune (Kramer).
He also built Ritchies famous non les paul...
Guitar was airbrushed with water based paints... What kind of clear should be shot over it? The previous clear coater left the business and I am needing some info... google is confusing me.
Custom build
-24.75, rosewood fretboard.
-maple neck
-maple body
-maple cap
-flamed maple verneer....
In other words... What pickups (knowing I like the JB, Distortion etc) in LP''s aren't overkill in a maple body one? Have zero experience hearing any.
Dude... LOVE that. Great choice. If possible, please shoot me a PM when the next one kicks off.. Be glad to donate something cool for the cause.
When I was trying to "Make it" and just started getting momentum, I use to offer signed 8x10's and all the proceeds would go to St. Judes... I could...
Funny thing is, When I was maybe 15-17 I saved up and got myself a vintage JMC800 and a legit script logo MXR... Tone was actually pretty dang close... Chops, yea... Randy was MAGIC considering what he had going on.
If you listen to his sound check footage, in person his tone was HUGE.