Headfirst Alta 100 24 hour review

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Yes I am still in the "honeymoon phase" with this amp HOWEVER I have owned enough tube amps over the years to know a special one when it comes along. In fact I'm kinda picky when it comes to Marshall style maps. I currently own a AFD 100, JCM slash 2555sl, 1959 reissue, 1989 2203, and last but not least Ceriatone JMP50 with friedman be/hbe mods. I have owned a friedman small box, friend ss-100, jtm45, helios 100, helios 50, 1988 2205, and a vplex 50. Needless to say I have a pretty good idea of what a Marshall should sound like! Out of all of those amps the friedman modded ceriatone is my gold standard. That has the best pure tone and is what I typically compare every amp to. I sold the small box 50 because it sounded too close to the ceriatone. I also returned the SS-100 for the same reason, although it had a really nice clean channel.

With that said the Alta 100 is my desert island amp. In fact I'm confident to say that 6 months from now I'll probably only have the slash signature amps. I never thought I'd consider selling that Ceriatone but here we are. The alta has taken the #1 spot. It has better cleans than the jtm45 and the small box and the 1959 - and yes it has several different clean tones you can coax out of it (see videos below). I can honestly get it to sound pretty dam fendery too.

I would be super happy with the amp if it only had channel 1. With the bright caps and a OD pedal it gets me all the tones I need and then some - but channel 2 is really the meat and potatoes of this amp! The base tone of channel 2 is just perfect - that overdrive guitar tone that I have in my head. Jason talks in his videos about how he voiced this amp to where it sounds good with all the knobs at noon. I can says he's 100% right! You can't dial this thing in to sound bad! It's not like a 2203 where the tone stack barely does anything or like a mesa mark v where if you don't have it dialed in it sounds AWFUL...it's like a perfect median....all the knobs make a noticeable difference throughout the sweep BUT none of them are going to make the amp sound like crap no matter where you set them. It's really amazing actually. None of the modes (bright cap, clip, 2nd master, mondern/vintage) will drastically change the core tone - they simply just give it more. I stole this statement from someone who commented on one of my youtube videos btw because he is right!

Channel 3 is not a clone of channel 2 - it dose have a little extra in it. It is the quintessential lead channel. IMO you're not gonna be doing a lot of riffing on it because it doesn't have the clarity of channel 2 (and channel 2 gets as heavy as you'd need it) but man does channel 3 SING. It sustains for days. The best part is none of it is too over the top to where you'll have a ton of noise and/or feedback. The noise floor is surprisingly low for an amp with this much gain. And just like the tone stack, the gain controls are completely usable throughout the entire sweep. I have yet to get a bad tone out of this amp.

If all this weren't enough there's a few more features I'd like to point out. First is the second master. Anyone that has owned a silver jubilee knows that when you engage the rhythm clip the volume drops significantly. The alta's clip feature is no different. The second master solves this problem. I also use it has a boost for the clean channel because the 2nd bright cap adds some volume so I'll use the second master when I'm not using the 2nd bright. It's levels are just about perfectly matched to where it will equalize your volume for both the clipping and the bright cap on the clean. The clipping is only on channel 2/3 so that doesn't pose a problem on channel 1 and the brights don't have that volume effect on channel 2 and 3 I'm assuming because of the gain.

Second is the response knob. I LOVE THIS FEATURE. It really gives the amp a whole different vibe depending on how you set it. I prefer the response up just because I tend to prefer BRIGHT tones. Turned up the amp is brighter and looser. Jason gave me a tip: turn the response down and crank the presence all the way up! Really tightened up the amp (not that it didn't sound KILLER loose) and the presence kept it bright enough for my tastes. Once again - I haven't been able to get a bad sound out of this amp.

Third is a surprising one considering I wasn't interested in it at all when I first scoped out the amp. MIDI! It is so cool and so easy to program and use. I got a tech21 mongoose foot controller (jason recommended) which has 5 buttons and you can program over a 100 different banks of 5, although I think you'd run out of ideas at like 20. Don't let the midi turn you off either, if it's not your thing simply don't use it, you can still control the amp the old fashioned way with the buttons on the front panel but I gotta say I'd be shocked to hear if ANYONE ever complains about this after using it. It really is awesome and couldn't be easier to use. You simply put the footswitch on what preset you want to store, set the amp how you want it and press "STORE" on the amp. Switch to a different preset on the foot controller and repeat. SO EASY and so useful.

So to wrap this up if you're in the market for a new amp and the Alta sounds like it may be for you pull the trigger - it is simply incredible. Jason Tong is also super accessible - we chatted the whole time through the process of my amp being built. He even sent me pictures of the amp as it was coming together which was really cool. Can honestly say you won't get better service from anyone else. I ordered my amp on January 7th and it made it to me from down under by January 25th. Not even three weeks! What's funny is I didn't even know you could order one of these, I thought there was a wait list. I had emailed Jason asking him a question about modding my 2203 and while we were chatting I mentioned how I was looking to find an Alta used but wasn't having any luck...next thing I know I got my new favorite amp. Thanks again @burger

Side note:
I was not paid in any way shape or form to review this amp- I’m an average nobody, I get to life the rest of my life like a schnook and pay for all my gear!
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Awesome review. I may need to try one out one day.
I really like the lower to more mid gain tones I’ve been hearing with your videos. You don’t hear those sounds usually outside of the vintage or modded Marshalls.

Does it do heavy well? I saw that Jim Root is using one but his tone has never been super stand out to me.

Either way seems like a special amp. Congrats
I really like the lower to more mid gain tones I’ve been hearing with your videos. You don’t hear those sounds usually outside of the vintage or modded Marshalls.

Does it do heavy well? I saw that Jim Root is using one but his tone has never been super stand out to me.

Either way seems like a special amp. Congrats
It’s got loads of gain. On par with the Friedman SS-100 in the gain department. I just don’t typically play with that much gain
Thanks for the detailed review! Jason is a great guy to deal with and (obviously) extremely knowledgeable. I have one of his pre-Alta MCII-style builds and plan to get an Alta at some point (hopefully this year). All the clips I’ve heard of the Alta sound great - very cool amp.
Thanks for the detailed review! Jason is a great guy to deal with and (obviously) extremely knowledgeable. I have one of his pre-Alta MCII-style builds and plan to get an Alta at some point (hopefully this year). All the clips I’ve heard of the Alta sound great - very cool amp.
I almost grabbed one of his mtl builds before ordering the Alta. I wonder how they’re compare to the Alta too. Sounds like they have more bottom end and the Alta more bite
I really like the lower to more mid gain tones I’ve been hearing with your videos. You don’t hear those sounds usually outside of the vintage or modded Marshalls.

Does it do heavy well? I saw that Jim Root is using one but his tone has never been super stand out to me.

Either way seems like a special amp. Congrats
And btw no pedals in front of the amp used in the videos except the one with the Suhr has a klon clone used as a transparent boost (last video).
Great write-up and clips man! I think it is only natural and fitting for a low to mid gain player to prefer channel 2 on this amp. However, I can say that you should spend some more time on channel 3 as you get more time with the amp. The clarity is there in spades!

I can get killer Zeppelin tones on channel 2, but I admit I spend most of my time either thrashing heavy riffs on channel 3 or doing ultra clean/high headroom cleans on channel 1. Channel 3 caught me off guard with its aggression. I mean, yes based on clips and reviews I was expecting it to put a smile on my face but god damn, it has a combination of clarity/aggression/percussiveness that just slays. By fiddling with the response and presence knobs I'm finding new tones all the time. And as noted those bright caps will change things up depending on where your gain is set. Oh and it takes boosts like a fuckin boss. I agree the noise floor is wonderfully low and the effects loop is crystal clear. The midi is icing on the cake.
Great write-up and clips man! I think it is only natural and fitting for a low to mid gain player to prefer channel 2 on this amp. However, I can say that you should spend some more time on channel 3 as you get more time with the amp. The clarity is there in spades!

I can get killer Zeppelin tones on channel 2, but I admit I spend most of my time either thrashing heavy riffs on channel 3 or doing ultra clean/high headroom cleans on channel 1. Channel 3 caught me off guard with its aggression. I mean, yes based on clips and reviews I was expecting it to put a smile on my face but god damn, it has a combination of clarity/aggression/percussiveness that just slays. By fiddling with the response and presence knobs I'm finding new tones all the time. And as noted those bright caps will change things up depending on where your gain is set. Oh and it takes boosts like a fuckin boss. I agree the noise floor is wonderfully low and the effects loop is crystal clear. The midi is icing on the cake.
I have tried a few boosts and they sound great as well as experimented with deep, response, and presence. I have not tried messing with the gain yet- I just set channel 1 to 10oclock channel 2 to 2 o’clock and channel 3 to 4 o’clock. I’ll have to mess around with that

Great review. You nailed it.
Agree with everything👍

I haven’t played any of my other amps since I got my Alta seven weeks ago.

The impact has been equal to when I received my new Larry Dino.
I’d take the Dino and Alta to ‘that Island’ for the rest of my days and be completely satisfied.

Im waiting until the 90 day mark to do a full review, just to be sure.

Incredible amplifier … pure, organic mid gain / high gain (classic/modded/modern Marshall) tones with phenomenal switchable features which work absolutely flawlessly.
It covers so much ground and all of it, perfectly.

Great review. You nailed it.
Agree with everything👍

I haven’t played any of my other amps since I got my Alta seven weeks ago.

The impact has been equal to when I received my new Larry Dino.
I’d take the Dino and Alta to ‘that Island’ for the rest of my days and be completely satisfied.

Im waiting until the 90 day mark to do a full review, just to be sure.

Incredible amplifier … pure, organic mid gain / high gain (classic/modded/modern Marshall) tones with phenomenal switchable features which work absolutely flawlessly.
It covers so much ground and all of it, perfectly.
Are you using a midi foot controller? I got the tech21 mongoose. Never messed with midi still amazed at how cool it is
Are you using a midi foot controller? I got the tech21 mongoose. Never messed with midi still amazed at how cool it is

Yep, I’m using one of these:

I like having 9 sounds / presets without having to change banks.

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You are definitely not an average nobody schnook. Great demo, playing, tone and review :yes:

HNAD :cheers:

Loved where you were going on 1st clip at 2:20 - that's more my lane. So glad you signed up here man.

PS: *Deserted Island not desert :D