Noise Gate recommendations

So many noise gate options. My favorites have been the OG Zuul and the GupTech SUN. The Zuul is great if you already have something on your board to split the signal. Otherwise, I find the GupTech to be really close, and it has the key in and out built in. I didn't like the Revv or the Zuul+. I always preferred the NS-2 over the ISP gates (had the OG and II versions of the Decimator and G-String, and had a pro-rack G). Outside of that, there are a ton of newer boutique options that I haven't tried. I tried the Sentry twice and had issues with the unit both times, so wasn't too happy with that.
Just curious what didn't you like about the Zuul plus? I just got one recently & like it. never tried the OG Zuul mainly because i didn't want to have to buy a splitter.
So many noise gate options. My favorites have been the OG Zuul and the GupTech SUN. The Zuul is great if you already have something on your board to split the signal. Otherwise, I find the GupTech to be really close, and it has the key in and out built in. I didn't like the Revv or the Zuul+. I always preferred the NS-2 over the ISP gates (had the OG and II versions of the Decimator and G-String, and had a pro-rack G). Outside of that, there are a ton of newer boutique options that I haven't tried. I tried the Sentry twice and had issues with the unit both times, so wasn't too happy with that.
I had the OG Zuul and really liked it, but then I found the Guptech Gul (renamed to Sun) and ended up selling my Zuul.
I only have experience with the G8 but I got one because the built in gate on the Revv amps was so good. Worked really well with any amp I tried it with. I didn’t notice it taking anything away from the tone, you can dial it in to cut off naturally too.
I've had a Decimator pedal, in front of my rigs for 15 yrs now. I'm pretty sensitive to tonal changes, yet I don't hear any noticeable difference when I use the pedal vs bypassing it completely. I wonder if it's modded in some way.
Before using it I had a Boss NS pedal. That one shaved off some very noticeable high end.
I've had the Decimator II for years myself. I've had no reason to look elsewhere.
Just curious what didn't you like about the Zuul plus? I just got one recently & like it. never tried the OG Zuul mainly because i didn't want to have to buy a splitter.

It didn't respond as fast. I also didn't want to have a splitter on my board, so I bought the Zuul+ as soon as it was released. I had a few emails back and forth with Fortin, and they suggested that it seemed like I simply preferred the OGs response and let me return the + without a restock fee.
I had the OG Zuul and really liked it, but then I found the Guptech Gul (renamed to Sun) and ended up selling my Zuul.
Yeah, the SUN has been fantastic. No complaints. I now have one on each of my 3 boards. I've also sold my 3 Zuuls and Roaches. The GupTech is a lot cheaper, too. I paid $110 for them during BF sales.
I used to hate noise gates. I’ve had the MXR Smart Gate (meh)) and the Boss NS -2 (major tone suck). I have the TC Sentry, and it’s pretty awesome. No tone suck, and a lot of tweak ability to fine tune what you need. I can’t see how there’s a better noise gate. I play mostly hard rock and use my volume knob a lot. This noise gate works with that.
I just ordered a sentry. 👍
I personally hated that pedal but I know everyone had different needs, etc. and might work out perfectly for you.

I got a Revv G8 and works great for me. I'm not even using all of the ins and outs and have it primarily to control my input thru boosts, etc. Great pedal!
The key with the Dec II G string is use the 4 cable method to rout it. It works amazingly well. The Boss NS2 is a basic np frills one that works also
I personally hated that pedal but I know everyone had different needs, etc. and might work out perfectly for you.

I got a Revv G8 and works great for me. I'm not even using all of the ins and outs and have it primarily to control my input thru boosts, etc. Great pedal!
I also have a Revv G8 and I have no complaints about mine. Definitely a step up from an ISP Decimater II and NS2 for me. The gating works well and also allows held notes to ring through without getting cutoff and the tone suck is minimal in my application.

I only use the basic in and out as you do and it works extremely well. I am not doing the 4 cable method but people seem to recommend it.
I’ve recently gotten into noise gates. I hated them before and still hate them now. I have Neewar noise gate up front, after a drive pedal and currently using a Free The Tone IG-N1 in the fx loop. I’ve also got the Fortin Zulu+ which was wired with the key and thru signal chain.

Any gate by itself in the loop engaged for gain is fine, but I play a lot of clean; too and the gate just kills it, even with the key on the Zulu +. I end up disengaging the gate at times just to get my sound and note trails back. The FTT noise gate has midi control and since I have a midi controlled board, it makes sense.
I’ve recently gotten into noise gates. I hated them before and still hate them now. I have Neewar noise gate up front, after a drive pedal and currently using a Free The Tone IG-N1 in the fx loop. I’ve also got the Fortin Zulu+ which was wired with the key and thru signal chain.

Any gate by itself in the loop engaged for gain is fine, but I play a lot of clean; too and the gate just kills it, even with the key on the Zulu +. I end up disengaging the gate at times just to get my sound and note trails back. The FTT noise gate has midi control and since I have a midi controlled board, it makes sense.
i play a lot of Cleans too & never have this issue. Is it possible your settings are too high? is it possible it's connected wrong?
g rack and i've sold it 17 times but it's still what i like the best, some will say it does xyz to the high end or something else, but i like it
i play a lot of Cleans too & never have this issue. Is it possible your settings are too high? is it possible it's connected wrong?
Anything is possible. I have the gate set around 11 o’clock, hold was 10:30 and release 2:30, but bumped the hold to help.