When you’re not feeling an amp you once loved …

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Do you get rid ofi it or just hold on to it? Wait for maybe it’s sound to be inspiring to you again ?
Man....I would say in most cases for me, I sell or trade. And in most cases, that is the right call and I don't really end up missing what I got rid of. There have been a couple of times I wish I had waited on an amp though....
Man....I would say in most cases for me, I sell or trade. And in most cases, that is the right call and I don't really end up missing what I got rid of. There have been a couple of times I wish I had waited on an amp though....
You’re right . It’s also about $ . I thought about that as well . But I have really missed an amp or 2
They're right here in the room with me.. so I can just turn around and feel them anytime.

Owning multiple amps is a must for me. Same with guitars. If I get tired of something, I just set aside for a while and come back to it at a later date. Otherwise you’re constantly buying and selling and a lot of times buying the same gear more than once and usually loosing money.
I’ll catch myself thinking I want to get a certain kind of amp and remember I owned one already and it didn’t stick around so I get over the current wanting. Definitely the amps I went through in my 20’s (‘90’s), I wish I’d been able to keep around but back then I was the typical, fickle but poor musician where nothing new comes in without the main squeeze going out. OG 5150, some metal panels, two Silver Jubes, VHT UL and a 6100 head. Wish I had them all still. Especially when I think about what I sold the Jub’s for before their prices went way up.. 🤦‍♂️
Really interesting post/question.

I gotta say, I had an epiphany a while back and it really struck me: I realized that, when it comes to chasing tone, my mood has a huge impact on what I dig. Seems like a small factor, but IME, for me, it’s impact is massive.

I can play a rig and find it just blah, not “there” and so on. I can then come back to the same rig—same settings and everything—and totally dig it. Weird.

Or maybe not weird. If I’m feeling inspired, excited etc, I actually hear the rig differently, interact with it differently. What was recently blah is now the shit!! Noticing—and then getting my head around—this phenomenon has really changed my approach to chasing tone. For the better.

Epiphany number 2: whatever I’ve been playing recently has a huge impact on how I perceive and hear a new amp—or speaker or whatever. It’s like your ears become acclimated to a certain rig/tone, and whatever you play next kinda goes through that “filter” in your brain. IME this can really affect how you hear and perceive the new gear.

Those two things have totally changed how I approach chasing and assessing tone.

So, I try to be really sure before I sell something. And I especially focus on those two thangs.
Maybe your amp needs re-tubed @Techdeth and has lost some of the awesomeness. I find it hard to perceive, then you get it re-tubed and you're like "OH". More power, crisper response, better punch. Just a thought.
Anytime I'm no longer feeling an amp I sell it and buy the amp that did what I felt was missing.

For example, I sold my Milkman Half Pint for a Fender Showman and was much happier. Both Fender cleans but one got me closer to what I wanted. The Milkman is still a great amp that I'd consider owning again if I'm ever rich.
Maybe your amp needs re-tubed @Techdeth and has lost some of the awesomeness. I find it hard to perceive, then you get it re-tubed and you're like "OH". More power, crisper response, better punch. Just a thought.
Honestly that’s probably what it is
I can't tell which amp it is, but if it's an archon those are one of the best bang for buck amps on the market IMO

The archon 100 is one of my top 3 amps and I've had a few. I kept it longer than any other one and 100% am circling back to another one.

That amp was my tone with e34L through private Jack's.... man it was so fuckin meaty and also crunchy. Only amp beside a herbert I've liked those speakers with. And I kept them JUST because I knew eventually I'd sit another archon on that particular cab.

And it's funny they also used to get hate, forums are so bipolar. Now it's won people over. I knew after 3 minutes of playing I found something that worked incredible with my playing & tone tastes.

Never tried the 50 watt replacements, think I'll go 100 again.
The archon 100 is one of my top 3 amps and I've had a few. I kept it longer than any other one and 100% am circling back to another one.

That amp was my tone with e34L through private Jack's.... man it was so fuckin meaty and also crunchy. Only amp beside a herbert I've liked those speakers with. And I kept them JUST because I knew eventually I'd sit another archon on that particular cab.

And it's funny they also used to get hate, forums are so bipolar. Now it's won people over. I knew after 3 minutes of playing I found something that worked incredible with my playing & tone tastes.

Never tried the 50 watt replacements, think I'll go 100 again.

I like both the 50 and 100s, though there are little differences. They're one of those import amps where you can definitely tell the designers tried to bake in the variability in outsourcing the manufacturing to get everything to sound good, and it paid off times 10000.

I'd love another one, but I'm already buried in stuff I need to sell. Maybe someone will buy my tungsrams or my PS1 lol
Like others said, it might just need some sort of servicing. Otherwise I only fall out of love with any given piece of gear just because I found something else that's better for the same niche
I sold my Herbert MkI because it sounded too "polished and produced" for a couple weeks...I should have taken a break from it for a couple months and came back to it. It was a bad mistake.