When you’re not feeling an amp you once loved …

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Like others said, it might just need some sort of servicing. Otherwise I only fall out of love with any given piece of gear just because I found something else that's better for the same niche
I factor in: price, how often I play the amp and how satisfied I am with the tone and feel of the amp. I sold my hermansson 5 gain stage Marshall because It was A) very expensive and B) I was constantly tweaking the amp. My ear could never settle on how I would dial it in. Don’t get me wrong, absolutely incredible amp but for the price, I want to be able to dial it in then forget about it and just play! Spent more time tweaking that sucker then I did playing guitar.
That’s my fav amp in the world
I think the problem most of us have is we have an amp (amp A)and wonder what else is out there. We get enamored with the latest (amp B)and buy to try. We sell amp A to buy amp B and then realize it is more hype than hero.

At this point we can rebuy amp A or move on to amp C. The more amps we buy in between getting to go back to amp A, the more amp A seems like the best amp ever. We gain a lot of experience with amps in the process. When we get back to amp A it is wanting..

Tech, you are not this guy. You have a fucking stable. If you arent feeling the amp, move it. And damn sure dont look back. Sell the fucking thing and come down to austin for the next amp fest so you can try some new amps without buying them first
I’m still gutted about the amps I’ve sold. If I had to do it again, I’d have just kept them all. Unfortunately, in my case, I need to move stuff to get cash for new toys, but most of the time, I regret it. Also, space is at a premium for me, just not enough real estate in my music room even now.
I’ve done a bit of both keeping and selling and can still sleep at night so maybe my perspective will help someone on the fence.

1) Rarity should never persuade your decision either to keep or sell. I owned one of the absolute rarest amps ever - the very first ever hand assembled metroplex serial number 001. It got listed because the amp was tuned to do Van Halen tones and vintage crunch. It did sound great with boost pedals and the onboard boost but my other modded Marshall’s did that tone much better in spades so off it went with zero regrets.

2) I never sell custom amps at a loss. If something is built custom and it’s not in demand enough or well known enough to command a fair price, I keep it because I might like it again in the future and it’s not worth (literally and figuratively) getting rid of only to never find again.

3) I keep anything sentimental. I own a 5150 that never let me down on a gig and rarely ever play it anymore. It sounds great but it’s all I could afford at the time and it’s not worth selling for sentimental and financial reasons since I bought it new.

4) I keep amps that have a lot of overlap sonically. Both of my Marshall’s overlap quite a bit but they do so differently in the volume rolling and feature department. Both bring me joy so both stay because it’s not a bad thing to like something similar.

5) If I can’t set an amp up and forget it and just play then it’s out the door. Every amp I own has settings that sound great and are inspiring but if I can’t get into a groove within the first month of owning something new after confirming it’s in top shape electrically then out the door it goes.
I'd recently been thinking about selling my Peavey Delta Blues combo...

I like it just fine. I bought it a few years back because my old band was doing a lot of dive bar type gigs where we had to haul or own PA etc. playing small stages, and it just made sense. I was happy with the volume & overall sound for that application, just hit the front with an OD808 when I needed a little extra gain. The more I played that amp, the more it grew on me, especially how easy it was to work with live. I can't believe I slept on these for so many years.

That band ran it's course, it became my living room noodling amp for a while, which wasn't bad. At lower volumes plugged straight in, it'll make a great guitar sing or a mediocre guitar sound & feel like a dud in comparison. I got back into playing heavier stuff with another band, and started using that combo less & less. I got a mark V 25 that became my home practice amp, which is arguably better in every category.

For the past 6 months I've really thought about selling the Delta Blues, not because I dislike it, but it just wasn't getting played very often. Then out of the blue, I end up talking to another cover band. The first tryout/rehearsal I grab my trusty eclipse and that Peavey combo, it was perfect what I needed on the fly. Sounded great, ample volume/tone to be heard in the band without being too loud, took 10 seconds to adjust the EQ to where I needed it. I was instantly reminded why I like the amp so much. I ended up not joining up with those guys, but that amp is off the chopping block for a while.
I wouldn't make any decision on selling/trading until you've retubed it. If one of my amps start sounding dull or non-inspiring, a retube usually solves the problem. Also, like others have mentioned having several amps to bounce back and forth is a must for me. If I get bored of a particular amp I switch over to another. Doesn't cure gas, but keeps it at bay for a bit...
I’m still gutted about the amps I’ve sold. If I had to do it again, I’d have just kept them all. Unfortunately, in my case, I need to move stuff to get cash for new toys, but most of the time, I regret it. Also, space is at a premium for me, just not enough real estate in my music room even now.
Same with me, i've sold a lot of gear I completely regret now, including my Dimebag rig actually. That's the one I had the most fun with to be honest with you.
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I only buy stuff i like. Last i checked that was a thing.

So you really in here thinking people buy shit AFTER realizing they don't like it? Pretty sure that's why most of us ended up buying 20+ amps because we wanted to find that part all the way out.



Right now none . But I have too many diezels . Trying to see which should go

Sell your vh4
The vh2 does it better from what I've read/heard from people including yourself.

Herbert is king of diezel metal.

That's not even a hard one if this is how you see things, the vh4 is just there for cool factor at the end of the day.
So you really in here thinking people buy shit AFTER realizing they don't like it? Pretty sure that's why most of us ended up buying 20+ amps because we wanted to find that part all the way out.



Might wanna cut back on the weed ace i have no idea WTF youre rambling about.
Same with me, i've sold a lot of gear I completely regret now, including my Dimebag rig actually. That's the one I had the most fun with to be honest with you.

My past is filled with regret.
Especially after they all doubled in price shortly after selling alot of them ?