Sold my dream amp. What's next?


Well-known member
I got an offer i couldn't refuse on my VH4. I am finally able to pay off a lot of bills and become less stressed.
Now i just have to decide on what amp to get next mostly for recording and a possible show here and there.
A local guy has a H&K Trilogy that sounds immense..
I'm also looking at a used Orange Rockerverb 50,EVH EL34 5150 III 50 watt,Marshall SC20H 800 or a Soldano mod Jet City.
Any other suggestions? Budget is like $1250 or so.
If you’re calling it your “dream amp” then my advice would be to start saving up for another one pronto because nothing else sounds like those amps.

Seriously I don’t even like the VH4, it’s basically my least favorite boutique high gain amp, but if you’re calling it your dream amp, then yeah my recommendation is to get another one as soon as you can. You would not believe how many people sell amps because “I really really liked it but I’m looking for the same sound just a little bit better even though I have no idea what 'better' specifically means but I'm sure I'll know it when I hear it” or even "It only had one perfect sound I've looked for all my life, but it's not my theoretically perfect pie-in-the-sky amp that has that exact tone plus my other three favorite perfect tones and only weighs half a pound, so I sold it" and they never find what they're really looking for because it doesn't exist, because amps don’t really work like that.
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You just sold imo one of the best high gain amps of all time. I still have my 1997 Blueface. Honestly, that amp will spoil you pretty badly. That said, for $1250 or under I’d say 5150 Iconic or a ‘90’s Sovtek MIG with a good boost (if they still are in that price range). From what I remember a Mesa/Boogie 50 Caliber isn’t bad either
I dig my KSR Orion 45 a lot and I got it for about your budget…used. It’s 4 channels so you still have a good amount of versatility although each pair of channels shares an EQ. NFB control to fine tune and internal load.
I dig my KSR Orion 45 a lot and I got it for about your budget…used. It’s 4 channels so you still have a good amount of versatility although each pair of channels shares an EQ. NFB control to fine tune and internal load.
Looking into this! Thank you!