Elemental Sulphur found on Mars

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan Gleesak
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This is so cool. Now you can make matches to light your cigarettes on Mars....wicked.

Cue aynirar and his statement about oxygen and other things he doesn't understand.
At least you can fly a drone on mars

Still playing the make pretend gaslighting card, I see.
As an actual scientist with an actual education and actual experience; I have concluded that you're a mental gymnastics moron with a fragile ego.
It's been peer reviewed. It's a fact. Clearly. Indisputable. The science is settled.
Still playing the make pretend gaslighting card, I see.
As an actual scientist with an actual education and actual experience; I have concluded that you're a mental gymnastics moron with a fragile ego.
It's been peer reviewed. It's a fact. Clearly. Indisputable. The science is settled.
Yes of course
i am the only one talking about anything remotely scientific
I had to hit the studio for a few hours so I didn't get to participate in the fun science discussion. Can't say I missed it. Gig tonight so can't play Neil DeGrasse until after midnight or so.
I had to hit the studio for a few hours so I didn't get to participate in the fun science discussion. Can't say I missed it. Gig tonight so can't play Neil DeGrasse until after midnight or so.
That’s too late for me. Have a good show dude
i am the only one talking about anything remotely scientific

What's your opinion of using nitrogen 15 readings in ice core samples?
Do you have a stance on silicate weathering?
What about hard faults per clock cycle?
Do they have an impact on modeling?
What's your opinion of using nitrogen 15 readings in ice core samples?
Do you have a stance on silicate weathering?
What about hard faults per clock cycle?
Do they have an impact on modeling?
N15 is one better than N14

My stance on silicate weathering? Lol it’s a process? I don’t really know how you can have a stance on it.

I don’t really know what clock cycles are though
N15 is one better than N14

My stance on silicate weathering? Lol it’s a process? I don’t really know how you can have a stance on it.

I don’t really know what clock cycles are though

So, in other words you don't have even the slightest clue about all of the stuff you call facts?
That's pretty strange. You do you, but should probably... how do you put it? Stay in your own lane.
We just bought a new car, we’re getting a puppy next week and I’m on vacation for the next 10 days. I’m feeling good about stuff
What kinda car did you guys get? If you lived closer I'd give you my puppy. Some jackass abandoned her in the heat last september. Didn't really want another dog but she's a real sweetheart black lab.
That's Bra.
With two Cs.
Is this part of the RPG :(
So, in other words you don't have even the slightest clue about all of the stuff you call facts?
That's pretty strange. You do you, but should probably... how do you put it? Stay in your own lane.

lol such a bitter misguided lady you are. I don’t think silicate weathering plays a role in man made greenhouse gases if that’s what you are looking for.
But like I said, I don’t know what you meant by my “stance” on it
What kinda car did you guys get? If you lived closer I'd give you my puppy. Some jackass abandoned her in the heat last september. Didn't really want another dog but she's a real sweetheart black lab.
I didn’t want a dog at all but she drunk ordered one from a friend in North Carolina. Some sort of husky/border collie mix from what I’ve been told