So who's gonna be the new democrat big dog?

He had a tough upbringing. Well....that's the story he told anyways and since it's his story he can tell it any way he wants be it truthful or not. Regardless he attained an ivy league education. Not exactly a poverty sob story....
And it’s certainly different this time around; Trump’s choice of a speaking statue with the personality of a loaf of bread (Pence) won’t be repeated. Vance will be much more outspoken.
There’s some time left before the dem’s convention, I’m betting Harris doesn’t make the cut…she’s too vile, inexperienced and uninformed .
He had a tough upbringing. Well....that's the story he told anyways and since it's his story he can tell it any way he wants be it truthful or not.
Not when it's open-to-scrutiny by his peers, as in... a book detailing it and a subsequent Ron Howard movie.

Regardless he attained an ivy league education. Not exactly a poverty sob story....
He "attained" it on his own, one step at at time brother:

Joined Marines following 9/11, straight out of high school. Served in Iraq.
Used a G.I. Bill grant to go to Ohio State University.
Graduated summa cum laude (political science and philosophy) and as a result received a nearly-fully-paid scholarship to Yale.
Became editor of The Yale Law Journal whilst there and got a Juris Doctor degree.
The book was something he was talked into writing whilst at Yale by Amy Chula (professor) who wrote that Tiger Mother book that created so many waves over a decade ago.

There's no doubt he experienced great poverty and abuse as a kid.

It's easy to dismiss "privileged" peeps as such, whereas, as we all hope for, some actually get there on their own steam. I'd have thought that when someone actually does this, the anti-privilege types'd be the first to sing his or her praises and that's how it should be IMHO.

Just sayin' bro'. :dunno:
Not when it's open-to-scrutiny by his peers, as in... a book detailing it and a subsequent Ron Howard movie.
I seriously doubt much scrutiny was applied to the story. We are talking about Hollywood and script writing. None of that stuff is ever 100 percent true to life and it's not like the movie makes big claims in portraying his mother as a drug addict and his life as somewhat hardscrabble.

What I don't buy is that yesterday he's a no name politician who writes a script, manages to get Ron Howard to make his movie, and then miraculously rises to the top of the party at Obama speed after being a complete nobody just a couple years prior. Actually judging by his social media posts, he's still a woke tard. I would also be willing to stake some cash on the fact he's a big homo too. I get homo/pedo vibes off the guy.

Maybe he truly attained his success but he's still a woke retard, posting Black Lives Matter on his social just last year. A snake in the grass just like Pence. They are repeating the same knob slobbery about him they said about Pence. It's pathetic how quick political participants rally round complete shit candidates. People are easily manipulated.
Oh, and for those who like to think he's racist:

His best friend, Jamil Jivani:


His wife Usha Chilukuri:

Actually judging by his social media posts, he's still a woke tard. I would also be willing to stake some cash on the fact he's a big homo too. I get homo/pedo vibes off the guy.

Maybe he truly attained his success but he's still a woke retard, posting Black Lives Matter on his social just last year. A snake in the grass just like Pence. They are repeating the same knob slobbery about him they said about Pence. It's pathetic how quick political participants rally round complete shit candidates. People are easily manipulated.
You're entitled to your opinions and feelings of course bro', but just a little clarification on one thing:

I seriously doubt much scrutiny was applied to the story. We are talking about Hollywood and script writing.
Best-selling, acclaimed book. Lotsa deets in the book. Lotsa peeps read it including, dare I say it, the folks he grew up with.

What I don't buy is that yesterday he's a no name politician who writes a script, manages to get Ron Howard to make his movie...
It wasn't like that; had the book not been inspirational-and-successful I doubt Ron Howard would've been interested. You know how it is with Ron - he tends to go for "inspirational".