So who's gonna be the new democrat big dog?

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The Democratic Party is in an absolute tailspin right now - unless the tailspin has already transitioned (see what I did there?) into a straight nose-dive.

To be clear - there was and is a significant contingent of Democratic Voters who had serious reservations about voting for Biden in 2020 out of fear for a Harris administration if Biden could not complete the term. Harris in the wings was sort of like Dan Quayle - but worse. Fast forward 4 more years - watch Biden provide irrefutable proof of everyone’s concerns over his age and feebleness - and now the risk of Kamala’s feet on the resolute desk in the Oval Office is greater than ever. So what’s the logic in handing the baton at the outset to the person many are fearing in the first place? Doesn’t make sense.

But bypass the coronation of Kamala as the ‘chosen one’ and force the Democratic Convention to pick an entirely new name out of the Bingo hopper and all of the single issue voters (woman / person of color) will stay home in protest.

Dems have no chance of winning without the voters who know Kamala isn’t qualified to be president and they can’t win without the voters who are casting a ballot only because of her gender and ethnicity. That’s not just making a deal with the devil. That’s making a deal with the devil - getting ripped off - and striking up another bargain.

45 will become 47. My only hope is that he manages to keep the stock market sailing. Say what you will, but the Dow and the S&P posted all time record highs while Ol’ Joe was in office. Conservatives will say the Pres has no control over the Stock Market - but it’s hard to justify heaping all the blame for the cost of milk a gas on the President without giving credit for the soaring markets. Commander in Chief is either in control of those things or he isn’t.
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or the demoncrats can just steal it again?

Don’t discount them trying to steal the election again. The concern is that it just looks more ridiculous the more obviously popular Trump is (And Biden isn't). But these people are not above ridiculous.
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Dont matter none.
No one is beating The Donald.

Then my money is on JD for 2 terms.

Wont be a scumbag dem back in the hot seat until 2036.

By that time ill be too old to fucking care
Dont matter none.
No one is beating The Donald.

Then my money is on JD for 2 terms.

Wont be a scumbag dem back in the hot seat until 2036.

By that time ill be too old to fucking care
JD is a Pence level scumbag though. Posted to his social media last year: Black Lives Matter. Love is love.

You're going to stump for that?

Dude strikes me as a closet homo tbh.
JD is a Pence level scumbag though. Posted to his social media last year: Black Lives Matter. Love is love.

You're going to stump for that?

Dude strikes me as a closet homo tbh.
Bro I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets a bad vibe.
I've never seen a politician running for presidency or vice presidency that didn't give me a bad vibe.
I usually get fooled 🤣

I thought Obama was going to be good and I thought Trump was as well.
JD fits that “Need a controlled populist” mold… I guess he had a tough upbringing but he reeks of ambitious politician.
I thought Obama was going to be good and I thought Trump was as well.
I never allowed myself into being duped into voting.

People who wear suits and dress shirts stink like mayonnaise and death. Why do you think I think protestant churches are crap? The dude leading worship is literally wearing business attire.....
JD fits that “Need a controlled populist” mold… I guess he had a tough upbringing but he reeks of ambitious politician.
He had a tough upbringing. Well....that's the story he told anyways and since it's his story he can tell it any way he wants be it truthful or not. Regardless he attained an ivy league education. Not exactly a poverty sob story....
He had a tough upbringing. Well....that's the story he told anyways and since it's his story he can tell it any way he wants be it truthful or not. Regardless he attained an ivy league education. Not exactly a poverty sob story....

…okay okay it exists and occasionally people achieve it. The story is part of what makes me suspicious though.

…okay okay it exists and occasionally people achieve it. The story is part of what makes me suspicious though.
LOL, the ivy league is a great place to spend a ton of money getting your kid brainwashed into someone that hates you.

I think he's a gay headcase and a climber. He'll say and do anything to achieve a position of status and power. Nobody gets to the presidential level without doing so. More surprising is that Trump would let someone into his camp that pretty much hated his guts a short time ago. Just shows how little sense he has when selecting cabinet members and the like. JD is another swamp thing.