Unfortunately I got my hopes up too soon that one last cleaning of the jack fixed the issue. It came back the following day after my previous post. So we're back to my fried looking for a new amp.
I just finished talking to him about what sound he would be going for and what he may be interested. One thing I got from him (or at least realized) was he doesn't know the first thing about tube amps, or amps in general. Like to the point I was explaining the difference between the preamp and power sections of a amp. He's also at square one with how to dial in a tone. He told me he didn't really know what he was doing when he got the Transtube, copied the setting in the manual for a "medium crunch" and left it there. He said since the settings came from the manual it must be a good sound.
That explains why his settings sounded like muffled farts to me. IME, rarely has good tone settings come straight from the manual. I'd also suspect he'd do similar with a new amp. Either take settings from the manual and assume they're good until he acclimates to them or use the settings from the Transtube and hope for the best.
I took a couple of things from that conversation. One; and he said so as well is he's not much of a knob turner. He said when there's too many knobs or options he doesn't know what to do and gets lost. The other thing I took from it was he doesn't really have any particular tone in mind. Or at least wouldn't know how to identify or describe what he's want to go for.
He still mentioned a 5150/6505, but started getting a little overwhelmed when I was describing all the different variants. And he didn't seem to know really what they sounded like. It was more like he knew Peavey and knew Eddie used them. That was about the extent of it.
I'm not trying to knock his lack of experience; it is what it is. Just providing more background of where he's coming from. I'm definitely going to be amp shopping with him to help him figure out what tones he likes and narrow down choices. I really want him to be happy with whatever he ends up with.
So for sure he'll want something that's straight forward feature wise and relatively easy to dial in a good tone. Or at least have well established good tone settings he can copy. This is the list I got going from what I can think of and suggestions from y'all so far.
- Any 6505/5150 type variants (which one would be best to start with?)
- PRS MT100 or Archon
- Marshall DSL or other Marshall style with simple features/controls
- ENGL Fireball
- Synergy SYN50 + 2 modules of his liking (if it wouldn't be choice overload for him)
- Maybe a Mesa Triple Crown (I've heard they're easier to dial in than a Recto or Mark)
Anything you all think is worth adding to or removing from the list?