WW3 Watch...................again

  • Thread starter Thread starter Geo
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I vaguely remember a figure, if the debt was paid off completely by every human in the USA and what that figure was for each. That alone tells you how hopeless the debt situation is. But the actual figure escapes me?
I am still trying to figure out who we owe the money to.
I think Blackrock and Vandgaurd should do a solid yoweme and pay the tab.
If you have investments or retirement that would make you one of the people who had to pay in in that case. Many people have investments through those firms whether they realize it or not.
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Can I pay my portion now in one lump sum then not have to pay taxes again?
I often thought about what options they could give to pay your portion of the debt.

It could even be part real estate or something, but you can't trust them not to renege on the deal.
I often thought about what options they could give to pay your portion of the debt.

It could even be part real estate or something, but you can't trust them not to renege on the deal.
Fact of the matter is though, the gov't should be financially self sustaining to the point there's no need for taxes. They shouldn't have that kind of a debt in the first place and citizens shouldn't be responsible for their wasteful spending and printing money out of thin air.

But of course it's give me all your money so we can pay off the debt we ran up by sending funds we don't have out the country or pissing it away on something stupid.

When the gov't prints money it's quantitative easing and all is fine an dandy. If I do it it's counterfeiting, a federal crime, and I go to jail. :unsure: