WW3 Watch...................again

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If I were the president, I would get with Putin, XXXIIINGGGG, and other major super powers and tell both Israel and Iran they have 24 hours to settle it themselves, or they are GLASS.

Stupid fucking towelhead fucking idiot.
they pay our ruling parasites well; as do the US PACs and oligarchs and military industrial complex...

follow the money to see who our ruling parasites listen to, and whose bidding they do.

I'm sure Zelensky has dirt on the Biden, Clinton, Obama, Kerry etc. cartels. Surprised zelensky hasn't been arkancided by now
Oh I hate that little asshole. I wish I could have Zeleksky in my basement for 10 minutes. I would disassemble him with my bare hands. Followed by that kermit the frog mother fucker.
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Let's hope you are right but keep in mind Russia is a country that does nothing but produce military weapons, and they aren't woke.
Dude, if they had anywhere near the ability to challenge the US without mutually assured self destruction Ukraine would be a done deal by now. Russian soldiers don’t even have modern weapons.
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You think Russia is going to do what about it exactly? I promise you they ain’t using nukes. And nothing else they can do amounts to much.
Russia can supply weapons to Iran, to extend the duration / increase the intensity of the conflict...just like the US and NATO have been sending weapons and intel to Ukraine to extend the duration / increase the intensity of the conflict.

USA/NATO can do it; but they get pissed if another country does it.

Russia can supply weapons to Iran, to extend the duration / increase the intensity of the conflict...just like the US and NATO have been sending weapons and intel to Ukraine to extend the duration / increase the intensity of the conflict.

USA/NATO can do it; but they get pissed if another country does it.


Russia could arm Iran to the hilt and Iran still couldn’t withstand an Israeli attack. Israel could take out all their government buildings and most of their infrastructure in less than a week.
Russia can supply weapons to Iran, to extend the duration / increase the intensity of the conflict...just like the US and NATO have been sending weapons and intel to Ukraine to extend the duration / increase the intensity of the conflict.
They already have.
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I am over this. Right now would be a great time for the US to abandon Israel and let them all kill each other. We’ve given them everything and they have money surpluses and we’re still giving them more. Let it all burn! No more American lives need to be sacrificed in this BS! Fuck Israel and Fuck Iran!!!
Who is the one country you are not allowed to criticize?

The current global petrodollar and Euro is completely bankrupt and most western government cannot meet their social contracts with the populations and now that the debt cycle is at a unpayable level you TAKE THEM TO WAR..................

World War 1, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, UNENDING MIDDLE EAST WARS/Conflicts........and so on and so on........whilst the tax bases of the western nations are stripped from the peoples of those nations and washed through these conflicts enriching the 1% TRANSNATIONALIST Elites under the guise of protection from terrorism.

Do you see it yet?
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We have no business there!!! Why the fuck are we supporting this? Is every member of congress compromised and blackmailed for Diddy and Jeffy’s parties??? Israel and Iran both need do the world a favor and use their nukes.
The USA, UK and UN have been de-stabilizing the middle east since the 1940's..............The US GOV is not innocent. The US people have get getting played for a really long time. It's about WEALTH, POWER and CONTROL.................The new Global Empire does not want Nation states........the transnationalist's want no more borders and have been implementing that in Europe since 2015 since the US destroyed IRAQ, Syria, YEMEN, Somalia, Lybia.... and now Lebanon making these places unlivable and vassals to Western transnational elites.

As General Smedely Butler pointed out after WW1, he learned he was a tool of the Oligarchy and WAR IS A RACKET.

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We have no business there!!! Why the fuck are we supporting this? Is every member of congress compromised and blackmailed for Diddy and Jeffy’s parties??? Israel and Iran both need do the world a favor and use their nukes.
I wouldn't be surprised.
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Dude, if they had anywhere near the ability to challenge the US without mutually assured self destruction Ukraine would be a done deal by now. Russian soldiers don’t even have modern weapons.
book it Danno and I’ll bring some pliers!
We have no business there!!! Why the fuck are we supporting this? Is every member of congress compromised and blackmailed for Diddy and Jeffy’s parties??? Israel and Iran both need do the world a favor and use their nukes.
Israel is the only roadblock for Iran. No Israel? No stopping nuclear weapons by Iran and their allies. In case you haven't watched the news, Iran hates the US and will use any means to destroy us...pretty easy if they have nukes to sneak into the US.
Nukes aren't real. Fear porn. No doubt they will show some chaos and claim it was nukes but nukes are fake like the moon landing is fake. FAKE.
I think if we had a foreign power overthrow our democratically elected government, install a puppet government that signed over 40% of our resources to that foreign power and created a police state that arrested, tortured and murdered many of our citizens for around 30 years, we would likely hate them, want revenge against them, and want to destroy them too.

War = $$$$
But what is money? Not this valueless fiat paper currency we use. It’s the promise to pay.
They need a reason to cover up the actual reason the financial system crashed intentionally failed so they can remain in charge and bring about CBDC and start the process all over again, but the debts of the average man will not be forgiven.
They need a reason to cover up the actual reason the financial system crashed intentionally failed so they can remain in charge and bring about CBDC and start the process all over again, but the debts of the average man will not be forgiven.
I vaguely remember a figure, if the debt was paid off completely by every human in the USA and what that figure was for each. That alone tells you how hopeless the debt situation is. But the actual figure escapes me?
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