Mental Illness and Democrats

Demoncrats to issue transportation and a free basket of groceries to all newly incoming immigrits providing they sign up to vote for Harris.


All Democrat voters get free pizza when they turn in their tickets.

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Harris campaign media already coordinating victory celebration with live music and free money hand outs at every location.

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Demoncrats forced to wait 5 hours to vote will get free iced tea for only 75 cents!! WoW!

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Left wing party takes over and controls all TV channel airwaves to announce the voted in new President Camela Harris and then will continue control all media to bring you new laws, changes in medical options, financial options and when to expect the FBI to raid your town for guns and ammunition.

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Overflow Democratic votes can be placed at any Dollar General store

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All voters of the 2024 election will be analyzed for party affiliation and some will possibly moved to a strategic locations for further observation.

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Claims on voting machine fraud will be addressed sometime before or after the 2030 elections.


Any and ALL citizens fleeing the American borders will be seized at the Canadian and Mexican borders with an automatic and immediate life, without parole sentence, no exceptions!
