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These individuals posting their meltdowns on social media platform display behavior that is congruent with a cult.
During the 2020 deadly BLM-Antifa riots in her state, Hope leaked information about the National Guard to inform rioters when to disperse or not. Her father allowed neighborhoods in the state to burn down for "racial justice." People were killed in the violence.
What a disgusting bitch...watch until the end where she explains her hygiene - or lack of it
Why doesn't this presentation have a gazillion views?
Maybe not "leftists", but there are two factions in the democrat party — the zionists and the more 'woke' that are willing to forgo that unquestioned allegiance because of the Palestine issue. But American Jews have for long almost universally supported the Democrat party, who are traditionally seen as the defenders of minorities. And Republicans have been linked to Israel via the Neocon faction who have largely exited and become Democrats. Trump is not entirely a Neocon but he is a big supporter of Israel, probably more so than Kamala who seems to have recognized the split in her own party and thus toned it down some.Since when are leftists taking up a mantle in defense of Jews ?
On-evidence this seems to be 100% true and of course "her" VP pick says it all really.... Kamala who seems to have recognized the split in her own party and thus toned it down some.