What do you consider your biggest musical accomplishment?

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First, this thread isn't intended to be about judgement or measuring who has the biggest dick. We all have different abilities and goals when it comes to playing. Disclaimer out the way; moving on.

This doesn't have to be limited to career accomplishments. It could be a simple personal goal that you worked to achieve. Have you toured with big named bands, wrote a killer song, or maybe after 27 years you finally hit the lick that you never could get quite right.

What would you consider your biggest/best accomplishment as it relates to music?

I consider mine writing a small handful of original songs that got to play live; even if it was just at dive bars, that the audience seemed to actually like. I feel I can come up with decent riffs, but putting a full composition together isn't my forte. It was a good feeling to play those couple of songs I wrote completely myself and not have the audience boo me off stage.

Ranking right up there is successfully building my first full from scratch guitar. Going in with zero experience and people telling me it'll never play right I actually built a well playing guitar right out the gate. Similar experience and feeling with building an amp. No real experience and a number of people saying I'd end up electrocuting myself (at other places anyway, y'all were pretty encouraging here).

Second biggest accomplishment would be not murdering band members when they'd show up unprepared, fuck off all practice, and waste everyone's time. Not like I ever played to make a career out of it, I always did bands just for fun. But damn, at least put in a little effort for the group. All the BS and drama that comes with a band is why I quit doing it. Every now and again I do miss it; then remember all the crap that comes along. Nope, not for me anymore.
Getting endorsed by Spector Basses. I hit them up as a shot in the dark because I love their basses, and didn't expect anything out of it. It was a few weeks later, so the response caught me off guard. We went back and forth and they agreed to add me to the roster. It kinda blew me away because I never thought I was that good. Sure, people tell me all the time, but they always say that, right? I tell shitty bands they rocked all the time. This was proof that they actually believed in me, and it changed my world. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to play their basses.
I didn't accomplish as much as I had hoped, but my life isn't over yet, so there is hope yet...maybe.

2 high points this far;

That one year the US Government paid me to entertain my fellow crew, as well as complete strangers, all over the Mediterranean Ocean. From Africa to Ukraine. Seeing faces of complete strangers, filled with excitement, was truly neat.

Represented American Rock well. I was in my early 20s, and didn't realize how popular American music truly was. A life moment for sure. This was also during one of the big European football tournaments, so that added another cool aspect.

The second was forming a band, in the early 2010s, after a dormant period. All original material, heavy and loud. Lots of fun. Planned on doing an album, wrote 8 songs in 2 months and had to teach everyone.

Started pre production, and have 6 recorded full live...and another song rough....all has the spirit. But sadly never crossed that finish line. Everything fell apart, and you know how bands work.

Having those recordings, and listening to them...about every 6 months or so, makes me smile. At least I can say I had this one thing ...no matter how stripped down the recording is. It lacks nothing, and is pure. So there is that.

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Writing & recording a full album, for sure. I've been playing my whole life but have never thought myself to be very creative, mostly playing covers etc.. Until I started a band & eventually got the right group of guys, then out of my ass started flowing original songs- which I'm still not sure how that hapened. Seeing a finished album that I wrote is surreal.
Learning all of freebird so that our bar band back in the day would stop being trolled. Granted this was 25 years ago when it wasn’t as common to play live because YouTube wasn’t a thing. Our singer hated it because of the long singing pause in small bars made it awkward for him.
previously wrote about some stuff about having chops (good ears and hands) from an early age and the daddy issues from not having those gifts nurtured.

EDIT: highest accomplishment, on second thought, is when I saw my daughter dancing to my 1st produced song and wanting to hear it again.
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Writing & recording a full album, for sure. I've been playing my whole life but have never thought myself to be very creative, mostly playing covers etc.. Until I started a band & eventually got the right group of guys, then out of my ass started flowing original songs- which I'm still not sure how that hapened. Seeing a finished album that I wrote is surreal.

I was rocking your album this weekend, congrats again dude
My old band did a EP, we played some huge shows with some of my favorite and most inspirational bands at all the big clubs here, so I at least got to experience it though we should have done a lot more. The best for me though is yet to come, as soon as I’m a little more proficient on drums I’m gonna record an album playing all instruments and it’s gonna be sweeeet
No matter any of the big shows I've been lucky to be a part of or soundtracks I've worked on; none compare to seeing the fire in my daughter's heart at her shows. So, that's my biggest accomplishment; passing along the love to her.
Nothing major, but I'd guess:

Helping establish ProgpowerUSA fest standards as part of the original crew.

Got to tour as a backliner with a few bands - US tour, shorts tours of Europe twice.

Coolest experience (not really an accomplishment per se) was sitting in for a guitarist on soundcheck for one of the bands I was teching for.. I had watched 3-4 sets and learned the parts from watching & listening...they were waiting on him and I said I know the first half of the tune (and was his tech, so know what he wanted in monitors)... we hit it, That was fun

And a few original releases, and songs that were on tribute CD's. With that same original band, the highlights were playing at Powermad Fest 2000, as well as opening for Fates Warning, Savatage, Raven, UDO.
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Joining RigTalk.


Honestly there can be chaos at times, but I wish I had found this place sooner. And I know that's not true for you, musically. At the bare minimum you've put out some great tunes that have inspired me to try different directions that hadn't really caught my attention in the past. Not that I'm equating that to your biggest, because I have no idea what that would be for you. But it's at least one, whether or not you realize it; Inspiring others.
Writing & recording a full album, for sure. I've been playing my whole life but have never thought myself to be very creative, mostly playing covers etc.. Until I started a band & eventually got the right group of guys, then out of my ass started flowing original songs- which I'm still not sure how that hapened. Seeing a finished album that I wrote is surreal.

I finally got the time to sit and listen to your album from start to finish the other week. Stellar work!
Inspiring others
I'm just here for the guitar duels.

Honestly there can be chaos at times, but I wish I had found this place sooner. And I know that's not true for you, musically. At the bare minimum you've put out some great tunes that have inspired me to try different directions that hadn't really caught my attention in the past. Not that I'm equating that to your biggest, because I have no idea what that would be for you. But it's at least one, whether or not you realize it; Inspiring others.

I knew about rig talk for several years just from searching stuff on gear. I was on a couple of other forums, but rarely posted because the atmosphere just sucked. I had it in my head RT was just another group of lame asses with heavy moderation like the rest of the places. Obviously that's far from the truth. I don't remember what made me finally join. In hindsight I wish I would have joined up sooner.
I never pursued guitar as a career, it was always more of a life long love. As a kid you dream and play in bands but I knew I wanted to do other things to make a living.

To date, the biggest outward accomplishment is releasing 2 albums where I did everything. Building a studio, learning to record well, teaching myself everything, learning Photo shop and doing the artwork, writing complete songs. 2nd album was 100 times better as I learned more, first was more like a garage crappy recording, but the songs were still ok.

But I’d say the biggest is living the dream of having a nice studio with all the gear I dreamed of when I was younger and being able to do what I want whenever I want.