SLO 30 vs 100 bottom end?

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the rossness

the rossness

Well-known member
I’m thinking of getting a Soldano SLO, either the 100 or 30. I’ve wanted to SLO 100 for years! Everytime I plug into one, I ❤️ it! That said, it’s a VERY loud amp. I’m usually either playing at home or smaller gigs and don’t need THAT much volume. How much less bottom end does the 30 have when compared to its 100 watt sibling? I like fat, round, singing lead tones. Thanks for the help.
Get the bigboy if you can swing it. The SLO30 will sound good but will not punch like the 100 watter.

The SLO30 will leave you wondering what would the SLO 100 would sound and feel like. The Fryette PS2 or 100 or A Rivera Rockcrusher would be a great solution for volume control and getting the full on SLO experience.
I had the pre-BAD SLO 100 and currently have the BAD SLO-30. I ran that SLO 100 for years before I had an outdoor gig where volume was no issue at all. I had that master on 7 and it was a totally different amp. I was like, "Man, what was I doing for the past few years?" Now, with the SLO-30, I keep both volumes on 10 and use an attenuator. I haven't played through it with a band yet, but that's coming in two weeks. I really think the 30 is adequate. It totally has the tone and clarity that makes all SLOs famous.
Had both. 100 is incredible but only if you can handle and afford stupid loud to get there. The 30 was one awesome am[ with an eq in the loop and an ISP sub or two...just MASSIVE. It does lack clean headroom but if only playing at home, non-issue. The tone and feel is killer on the 30. One of my top 10.
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I've got the SLO 30 and have never played thru the 100 so I guess I`ll recommend the 30 lol . I just play at home and the 30 fits there bill but FWIW I don`t play at low bedroom volumes. I usually play fairly loud but not gig loud and I find thru a 2x12 with Greenbacks it pack plenty of low end punch. I've tried it with a PS , JHS Little Black Box in the loop and just using the master volume . I liked it least using the PS , it still sounded good but it dulled the tone a bit , even with all the options the PS has.
Depends on

1. If you're gigging with it
2. If you're gigging with it and want the cranked SLO tone, which is a separate and special thing
3. If money is an issue

They both sound great, with the 100 being a tiny bit more "special" sounding because of the bigger low end and push. The 30 is absolutely rad though.

If you've generally got really good sound reinforcement at your gigs, and money is an issue, the SLO30 is probably good. You'll likely be able to get closer to the sweet spot at most gigs.

If money isn't an issue, get the 100 and a nice attenuator, full stop. Then find exactly where the sweet spot is for the tone you want and control your level with the attenuator - set and forget.

If you're playing dive bars and small clubs, get the 100, whether you can afford an attenuator on top or not. At least in my experience, even a lunchbox as big sounding as the 30 is going to be fighting in some situations if you've got a drummer that doesn't hit like a bitch.
Depends on

1. If you're gigging with it
2. If you're gigging with it and want the cranked SLO tone, which is a separate and special thing
3. If money is an issue

They both sound great, with the 100 being a tiny bit more "special" sounding because of the bigger low end and push. The 30 is absolutely rad though.

If you've generally got really good sound reinforcement at your gigs, and money is an issue, the SLO30 is probably good. You'll likely be able to get closer to the sweet spot at most gigs.

If money isn't an issue, get the 100 and a nice attenuator, full stop. Then find exactly where the sweet spot is for the tone you want and control your level with the attenuator - set and forget.

If you're playing dive bars and small clubs, get the 100, whether you can afford an attenuator on top or not. At least in my experience, even a lunchbox as big sounding as the 30 is going to be fighting in some situations if you've got a drummer that doesn't hit like a bitch.

Money is an issue. Its the one reason why I haven’t gotten one sooner. I was playing a 50 watt evh 5153 and it kinda’ got that tone but its too aggressive and too bright and too tight. Compared to the SLO Synergy module (which is my main point of reference) there's a night and day difference between the two. (I had always heard the SLO/ 5150/ Recto had very similar circuits). I’ve also never played a SLO 100 at full volume. I’ve only ever tried them out in stores with the volume set pretty low.

That’s also been kinda the other thing. I have the SLO Synergy module. Its not as full sounding as the real amp, but it gets in the ballpark. So I can kinda’ get SLO tone on a budget. (And I can get it moderately quiet for just jamming at home).

There are other amps on my radar. I’d thought about a Herbert, Revv G120, MK7, an Uber Ultra , Wizard MTL, Splawn Nitro… ect. But now that I can afford a SLO, I kind of want to scratch that itch first.

I Guess the 100 is the way to go. Hmmm…
I have the 100.
Volume barely gets to 1 on the dial, most of the time, at home. I've played the 30 several times, and it sounds splendid.
If I had to do it again, I'd get the 100.
The master volume is great. It's the sound. Would I be OK with the 30? Yeah.
Would I wish I had the 100? Yeah.
No practicality to it. I just want the big un.
It never fails to impress. And on those rare occasions when I turn it up to 5+ on the's a thing you'll never forget. A thing the 30 won't do.
I have the 100.
Volume barely gets to 1 on the dial, most of the time, at home. I've played the 30 several times, and it sounds splendid.
If I had to do it again, I'd get the 100.
The master volume is great. It's the sound. Would I be OK with the 30? Yeah.
Would I wish I had the 100? Yeah.
No practicality to it. I just want the big un.
It never fails to impress. And on those rare occasions when I turn it up to 5+ on the's a thing you'll never forget. A thing the 30 won't do.
The 30 will absolutely not do the 100 SLO push, balls, and low end girth...agreed 100%. But for me the 100w SLO was too stupid loud to get to a good tone. At low/moderate volume I was underwhelmed, more than most any other amp. But at gig to stadium level it was like a rollercoaster ride...exhilarating, but I can't handle that volume.

The SLO30 gets "that" tone that "thing" at lower volume but yes, it lacks the low end and girth and the headroom. It falls apart at loder volumes IMO. But...with ISP subs, the SLO30 was monstrous and beyond satisfying at low to moderate volumes. The tone is to die for. Thick, meaty, juicy, articulate and just tight enough when boosted with gain around 9-10 o'clock.
The 30 will absolutely not do the 100 SLO push, balls, and low end girth...agreed 100%. But for me the 100w SLO was too stupid loud to get to a good tone. At low/moderate volume I was underwhelmed, more than most any other amp. But at gig to stadium level it was like a rollercoaster ride...exhilarating, but I can't handle that volume.

The SLO30 gets "that" tone that "thing" at lower volume but yes, it lacks the low end and girth and the headroom. It falls apart at loder volumes IMO. But...with ISP subs, the SLO30 was monstrous and beyond satisfying at low to moderate volumes. The tone is to die for. Thick, meaty, juicy, articulate and just tight enough when boosted with gain around 9-10 o'clock.
I compared them back to back at low volume, at a store and at a guitar show.
The 30 is great. Killer setup thru the matching 2x12!
I got the 100.
The 100 I got has the Classictone trannies. Totally swayed my decision.
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Had both side by side and it was tough to decide. The fact that it was hard to decide should tell you something. Ended up keeping the 100 for the bigger sonic footprint, but I eventually sold it too. I have to say, there was something special about the 30. Not quite as big sounding, but the tone itself was more interesting to me and if I were to buy another SLO, I’d personally grab a 30
I was playing a 50 watt evh 5153 and it kinda’ got that tone but its too aggressive and too bright and too tight.
You know you can remedy that a bit with rolling a few different preamp tubes and pairing it with not-too-bright speakers, right?

I run my 6L6 EVH 50W (v1) through a vertical Mesa 2x12 or like most recently, through a full 3/4th stack of Marshall 2x12s, that have smooth G12-65's or vented/non-vented mid 80's T75's.


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You know you can remedy that a bit with rolling a few different preamp tubes and pairing it with not-too-bright speakers, right?

I run my 6L6 EVH 50W (v1) through a vertical Mesa 2x12 or like most recently, through a full 3/4th stack of Marshall 2x12s, that have smooth G12-65's or vented/non-vented mid 80's T75's.
I’ve got 2 cabs: a mesa 2x12 with v30’s and an EVH 4x12 with the EVH Celestion Creambacks. I think it sounds better with the 4x12.

What preamp tubes do you recommend?
For my money if a bigger bottom.with oomph is what I want I go 100 over 50 let alone 30 any day.

As for SLO...I'd get a used 100 for the reason that I'd want the DeYoung tranny in it.
I had Mike build me an Avenger with it that slayed.
Heck I wouldn't even want O-netics iron it which is what the last before BAD had.
And I have no issue with those in general since they used to make the iron fir the THD stuff.