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  1. Rex Rocker


    That's awesome, but please post a phone clip playing some Metallica riffs for an in-the-room feel! J/K. Please don't. On a serious notes, man, what a killer amp.
  2. Rex Rocker

    Mark IIC+ Reissue with Ola

    For sure. But I still feel, even with a bass, the palm-mutes could punch a little harder. For my taste, of course. But hey, each to his own. Nowadays, everyone is a critic, right?
  3. Rex Rocker

    Mark IIC+ Reissue with Ola

    I missed the context of this clip, but I think a little more low-end would've sounded a bit better. The tone does have a killer attack, though.
  4. Rex Rocker

    Mark IIC+ Reissue with Ola

    I'm just glad he didn't play any Metallica on that vid. Thank God.
  5. Rex Rocker

    V30 & GB mix??

    I remember I once brought my Marshall cab with V30's and H-75's to band practice, and we plugged my guitarist's Rockeverb to both my cab and his. His cab is loaded with T-75's and Creamback M-65's, and we had to check that his cab was plugged in at first because we couldn't hear it over my cab, LOL.
  6. Rex Rocker

    How many of you are Strat guys?

    I used to hate Strats until I got one and got carried away modding it, LOL. My recommendation is to find a good deal on a used Strat, and then mod it to what you need. My biggest gripe with stock Strats is that their HSS pickguards are cut with the hole for the bridge pickup way too far away...
  7. Rex Rocker

    Low output pickups and high gain amps.

    I hadn't thought of it that way, but kinda, haha. But his comparison samples... all sounded OK to me, LOL. It's not like I thought, "man, that Painkiller sounded like pure mud", personally. Or "man, that 5150 totally doesn't like that JB". It is what it is. It's not like there aren't many...
  8. Rex Rocker

    Low output pickups and high gain amps.

    I also personally really like the Fishman Fluence Classics in PAF mode as well as the DiMarzio PAF Pro. And the Gibson Burstbucker Pro. What I don't like, personally, is the underwound type of PAF-types. Like. 7K-ish for the bridge, I mean. I feel they start getting too single coil-y and wimpy...
  9. Rex Rocker

    Low output pickups and high gain amps.

    I was watching his vid yesterday, but I don't remember the exact wording he used. He's usually a pretty chill dude on his vids, so I'm not necessarily saying he's wrong. I'm more addressing the common belief that just because your pickups are wound lighter, that immediately translates into...
  10. Rex Rocker

    Low output pickups and high gain amps.

    What works for someone doesn't necessarily work for everyone. I like some vintage output pickups for Metal, but that doesn't mean there's no room for other beefier/chunkier/louder pickups. Quite the contrary. I see two big downsides to low output pickup as well: What clarity and dynamics you...
  11. Rex Rocker

    Your Opinion on Holy Grail Modern Metal Tone(s)

    I love tones from around that time, personally. The tone on Anthems of Rebellion is also to-die-for.
  12. Rex Rocker

    Your Opinion on Holy Grail Modern Metal Tone(s)

    I don't know how "modern" being from the 2000's or how "Metal" it really is, but I love the tone on Shadows are Security by As I Lay Dying. The tone is from around the same time as The End of Heartache which everyone raves about. I like it, but I prefer this one for that style of music...
  13. Rex Rocker

    Ibanez Genesis RG550 stock pickups - Suck?

    I think part of the reason those are not super expensive for being Japanese made is because they don't really have brand-name pckups. I don't know if they're still the same, but I've had the V7 and V8 pickups before, and they're alright. The V8 is kind of a generic-y medium hot pickup. I read...
  14. Rex Rocker

    Pickup Help - Norlin LPC

    I hope you enjoy the 'Winters! It's one of my favorite Duncan pickups. Right now, I'm enojoying the Custom (I have it in a guitar in Drop C), so I was going to recommend it as well. But the Winter is another great choice. It does have the rasp in the high-end that you mention, though. I love it...
  15. Rex Rocker

    Old Sovtek 5881 vs New Sovtek 5881 Power Tubes

    I've had the NOS Russian wafer base tubes as well as the new Sovteks, and I didn't find the old were "better" to me. The old ones were very slightly darker. That's it. I kinda liked the newer ones because they were more aggressive. That's kinda the point of those wafer base 5881's to begin with...
  16. Rex Rocker

    Yes, this is the best recto sim out there, period!

    I liked the first clip a little better. Second clip was a bit over-the-top sizzly for my taste, but the first clip sounded nice and chunky while still being aggressive!
  17. Rex Rocker

    Can a Telecaster be used for metal?

    I personally don't like the the squelchy/scratchy attack of a traditional single coil for metal. It's a bit much for me. I did have a Squier Esquire which was pretty good for the money, and I had a bunch of different pickups in it to get it to sound how I wanted for t3h chuggz. I had a DiMarzio...
  18. Rex Rocker

    Can a Telecaster be used for metal?

    I dunno... "Telecaster" decals don't automatically erase off the headstock once you install humbuckers in them. :p Fender did label those stock humbucker Teles as "Teles" too.
  19. Rex Rocker

    Let's see your current pedalboard.

  20. Rex Rocker

    New Aldrich+ Mod

    Great playing! :D