Sounds definitely mean and brootal! Consider Nik mostly uses audio taper on his Jose circuits, so you need to feed some volume to the beast to get the goods. On the Yeti, modern mode, it delivers around 7-8 of the master, try and see if it gets more violent!
Same goes for the Yeti, there's a smoothness that's not easy to dial out, and makes the amp kinda soft compared to an old Jcm800 (even by Ceriatone); you have to go with offed era switch/Plexi mod, use the brite switches wisely, keep the pussy trimmer low (don't recall if the KK has one) and...
Honestly there's no reason for anyone to go with a lunchbox sized amp - especially if you have the bigger brother already - other than preventing back pain and avoiding digital stuff at all costs.
I used to hate small tube amps, I've always found them useless compared to the bigger (and 952% of...
No surprise, "new" Marshalls are always a pain to deal with, they have those high treble frequencies that are super annoying when playing at home, but are a total overkill when playing in a band, especially if the other guitarist has a darker/smoother amp like a Bogner.
ESP is by a ridiculous margin the biggest brand in the whole Metal scene, not sure about the US but if you check any metal music related event, from huge Festivals to medium / small gigs, ESP covers 90% of the bands you will see. It's natural a pro wants to get some more visibility and benefits...
If "too much bottom end" and "not enough power tube distortion" is the thing, then there's no chance the tube is other than E34L by JJ (not tha I'm aware of). It's a great tube to give some balls to otherwise anemic, high mid super focused amps, as it's also quite tight down there, but if you're...
Well it is, imports use nyato, meranthi luan and other timbers in place of mahogany ( much pricier), which are softer, lighter, yellower in color and not as tight and as focused in tonal response.
It's not that sound inherently bad or something, actually I've played many LTD and Schecs that...