Never been much into Orange amps, I've always found them great for very very heavy tones - and when I say heavy I don't mean super gainy high mid focused djentaggro heavy, but Sabbath like heavy, evil and mouth of hell deep tones, "heavil" I'd call them - which is something I like when listening...
Considering most modern metal players are basically after the most focused, high end pissed, aggro, tight sound possible, I can understand why it's not everyone's fave sound in terms of higain..but it's ballsy and sounds huge, which I dig a lot.
Imho a big factor when it comes to hot rodded 'shalls and politeness/pre-recorded tone is the use of presence and eventually a NFB control. Speakers might help too
Yup, you just need to turn the volume up more. There's a specific point in the Master pot taper where all era modes meet volume wise. The Modern mode is very quiet til 8, then it gets loud pretty fast, also due to the Audio pot used for the Master (which means other modes are still quieter than...
You don't have to, if your cab is the Marshall in your signature (GB X EVH) you're not gonna find many speakers with MUCH more bite than that (there are, but neither the EVH or the GB RI are super smooth). Going stomp might be the best choice. This one's a fine ass pedal
Most Friedman are inherently smooth and polished in the upper end, which makes em very pleasing (for most folks) when played alone, but not as cool when playing in a band.
IME a V1 swap can help but not make a world difference (and no, don't trash JJs as they are reliable - which is something...
2203 with booster is cooler, the old fashioned way, and sounds more pissed and abrasive than a Yeti, no doubt. The Yeti is hot rodded, the JCM800 is Metal.
The Chupa has much more aggressive upper freqs and cuts much better, the Yeti is ballsier and fatter.
If you're a fan of those modern super aggro focused 'shall mods you often see here (which are arguably Marshall related anymore), go with the Chupey. You may dig the Molecular more than both.