Steavens Poundcake 50w info

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I’m looking at possibly acquiring a Pouncake locally. Seller is unsure if it’s a Mk 1 or Mk 2.

Can someone look at these pics and tell which version it is? Also, if anyone knows, what’s the difference between them?



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Mine says Mk2 on it, so my guess would be this is a Mk 1, but maybe someone else who knows more can confirm. I've only played my Mk2 and a 25th Anniversary version
I like all the channels. The crunch channel with a boost imo can get close-ish to the meat ch and the crunch ch is great too in its own way. Some like the Heat ch best. That's the tightest, highest gain ch. Sorta to me like a VHT UL, but a bit more Marshall-y and raw

Others can say better on value. I'd think being a 50w and Mk1 would probably make its value lower, but I don't know. The tolex is nice though
Can I ask why these amps are so revered? Seems like a little awhile ago no body cared about these. But I only hear good things about them. There was a mk2 in my area for 1800 CAD a year ago

What’s the amp characteristic like? Marshally? I just see the Fortin headshell when I look at it. Yes I know it came first…
I had the Brick preamp, with all four channels of the MK1. It had sort of that 90s refined Marshall thing, a bit darker and thicker like everyone was shooting for at the time. And yeah, the two middle channels crunch and meat were the best things about it. Not very saturated overall, even on the heat channel, but a very good amp.
IIRC it's an MKI 502. It's a fine amp if you can get it for cheap. Imho it's not as good as the MKII, aspecially if 50w, didn't love the one I played
Also interested to hear how the amp changed from MK I to MK II to MK III. I noticed the different control layouts but would be interested in any tonal differences - eg: brighter / darker, more / less compression, more / less gain etc
Can I ask why these amps are so revered? Seems like a little awhile ago no body cared about these. But I only hear good things about them. There was a mk2 in my area for 1800 CAD a year ago

What’s the amp characteristic like? Marshally? I just see the Fortin headshell when I look at it. Yes I know it came first…
I’ve played two poundcakes-

Mine which I still own is a 25th anniversary- which is essentially a mk4. It to me is a more raw and German take on a bogner xtc , with some Marshall influences as well.

I also tried a friend’s mk2- this amp seemed more like a cousin to mine rather than a sibling if that makes sense. The mk2 was more raw and marshally than mine and had its own thing going. Both are good and had unique sounds, but the mk2 was more raw and the 25th was more juicy for leads.

My 25th anniversary has more switches and options than the other pound cakes I’ve seen

there are 4 channels- 3 of which aren’t the clean one. The 3 share an EQ, but do have different voices from each other, and each has three gain modes- green, yellow, and orange, a raw switch, and a bright switch. So each of the channels have their own gains and each of those switches- which allows for a lot of range. There’s also a “brown switch” on the back which I haven’t messed with much but is a minor change.

In short, the Steavens Poundcake sound is somewhere in between the German sound and the Marshall sound, and fairly raw. Neither of the ones I played were specifically gainy enough to play modern metal without a boost, but take well to boosts. If you can find one , I think they are worth trying

As a bonus, here is the recording I took- apologies for the out of tune parts in the start

Can I ask why these amps are so revered? Seems like a little awhile ago no body cared about these. But I only hear good things about them. There was a mk2 in my area for 1800 CAD a year ago

What’s the amp characteristic like? Marshally? I just see the Fortin headshell when I look at it. Yes I know it came first…
There’s 4 different version Poundcakes. I’ve only tried my Mk2 and a 25th Anniversary. My Mk2 sounds Marshall-y on the crunch and meat channel, but thicker, more low middy and with that characteristic German sound that is precise, somewhat colder, but not cold like an Engl or Herbert is (those are more to me just less organic, tonally worse). The Heat ch sounds to me sort of like a VHT UL, but more Marshall-y, raw and powerful. I can see how this channel may have inspired the Fortin. The amp across the board sounds surprisingly powerful and punchy, like it probably has a high plate voltage, not quite Wizard level power though. The 25th Anniversry version I tried seemed more polished, modern, smoother, more saturated, a lot easier to play, sort of like a better XTC and was better for leads than my Mk2. My Mk2 seemed more raw, gritty and Marshall-y. The MK1 & 3 may be different, wouldn’t know

It’s a great amp no doubt, but I will say it to me doesn’t have as distinctive of an identity of what it uniquely brings to the table as other great amps like a mark iic+, early Recto, early Uber, Blueface, Hermansson, SLO, or Wizard
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I’ve played two poundcakes-

Mine which I still own is a 25th anniversary- which is essentially a mk4. It to me is a more raw and German take on a bogner xtc , with some Marshall influences as well.

I also tried a friend’s mk2- this amp seemed more like a cousin to mine rather than a sibling if that makes sense. The mk2 was more raw and marshally than mine and had its own thing going. Both are good and had unique sounds, but the mk2 was more raw and the 25th was more juicy for leads.

My 25th anniversary has more switches and options than the other pound cakes I’ve seen

there are 4 channels- 3 of which aren’t the clean one. The 3 share an EQ, but do have different voices from each other, and each has three gain modes- green, yellow, and orange, a raw switch, and a bright switch. So each of the channels have their own gains and each of those switches- which allows for a lot of range. There’s also a “brown switch” on the back which I haven’t messed with much but is a minor change.

In short, the Steavens Poundcake sound is somewhere in between the German sound and the Marshall sound, and fairly raw. Neither of the ones I played were specifically gainy enough to play modern metal without a boost, but take well to boosts. If you can find one , I think they are worth trying

As a bonus, here is the recording I took- apologies for the out of tune parts in the start

I basically agree with your thoughts, Yehuda.👍
I actually got to play thru a 25th Anniversary and A/B’d my MkII and I definitely prefer the MkII for that ‘Marshall Kerrrrannnng’ upper midrange chirp and bark.

But, it’s all so subjective and like you say, if I were after more of that fat Bogner Legato ‘Milky’ Lead tone, the 25th was great.

For me, the MkII is more aggressive, tight and that pissed off Marshall flavor.
I basically agree with your thoughts, Yehuda.👍
I actually got to play thru a 25th Anniversary and A/B’d my MkII and I definitely prefer the MkII for that ‘Marshall Kerrrrannnng’ upper midrange chirp and bark.

But, it’s all so subjective and like you say, if I were after more of that fat Bogner Legato ‘Milky’ Lead tone, the 25th was great.

For me, the MkII is more aggressive, tight and that pissed off Marshall flavor.
Have you tried also a MK3 or 1 or Thunderstruck? I’m curious how they compare to the Mk2 and 25th Anniversary
Have you tried also a MK3 or 1 or Thunderstruck? I’m curious how they compare to the Mk2 and 25th Anniversary

I got to try a MkIII once, but didn’t have mine with me to A/B …
It sounded and felt just like mine.

Directly from Bernrd (Steavens) - he told me the ONLY difference between Poundcake 100 MkII and MkIII was the programmable midi switching of the features on the MkIII.

But, he said, there’s Absolutely no difference in the sonic footprint of the amplifiers whatsoever.
Great thread / info - thanks all. I guess the only piece we’re missing is how the MK I stacks up to the MK II/III. I think @DanTravis62 might have played a MK I and maybe a MK II or III….? I know @SBlue had a MK I at some point.