Steavens Poundcake 50w info

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The 100w MK-1 version I had, which ended up with Mike Fortin, was a true beast.
The crunch, meat and heat channel had a very strong and aggressive tone, but not saturated at all, type of gain. Really punchy and fast too. Very unforgiven, but with the right player and some volume, it would become this bigger than life sounding amp, that would shake walls with the output volume on only 4.
The closest thing I've heard to it is the Dino 962 I own, on the British or Scream channels, but with the boost function off. The Dino has that same unsaturated, fast, smooth but still aggressive tone, and with a huge low end.
Unfortunately, never had a chance to try out a MK2/3/25th...
I basically agree with your thoughts, Yehuda.?
I actually got to play thru a 25th Anniversary and A/B’d my MkII and I definitely prefer the MkII for that ‘Marshall Kerrrrannnng’ upper midrange chirp and bark.

But, it’s all so subjective and like you say, if I were after more of that fat Bogner Legato ‘Milky’ Lead tone, the 25th was great.

For me, the MkII is more aggressive, tight and that pissed off Marshall flavor.
Agreed- a mk2 is probably the pick I’d make for rhythm, and my 25th is probably my favorite lead amp
The 100w MK-1 version I had, which ended up with Mike Fortin, was a true beast.
The crunch, meat and heat channel had a very strong and aggressive tone, but not saturated at all, type of gain. Really punchy and fast too. Very unforgiven, but with the right player and some volume, it would become this bigger than life sounding amp, that would shake walls with the output volume on only 4.
The closest thing I've heard to it is the Dino 962 I own, on the British or Scream channels, but with the boost function off. The Dino has that same unsaturated, fast, smooth but still aggressive tone, and with a huge low end.
Sounds a lot like how I’d describe my Mk2. I wouldn’t say mine is in the same league still of being fast or tight like the Hermansson’s or Dino are (nothing else I’ve tried yet is), but quite tight and fast vs most other amps on the Heat ch. My Mk2 seems to also be thicker and more growly in the low mids on the meat and crunch ch. The 25th anniversary I tried was a lot more saturated, forgiving and friendly for lead playing than my Mk2
Agreed- a mk2 is probably the pick I’d make for rhythm, and my 25th is probably my favorite lead amp
100%. Curious how the Mk2 will change with EL34’s vs the 6L6’s it came with
depending how it goes maybe I’ll get el34s in mine as well
Yes, should wait for mine first as the guinea pig lol. In general I’ve usually preferred EL34’s for more rhythm stuff like palm mutes and powerchords and 6L6’s for leads and cleans, but of course I’ve found exceptions too
I have tried both in mine and I prefer EL34’s. The 6L6’s still retained the sonic character of the amplifier, but it became a little bit further away from the (Marshall) signature that I like. The 34s just have that added upper mid range character that suits this amplifier, which already has a ton of bottom end with the depth control.
Sounds a lot like how I’d describe my Mk2. I wouldn’t say mine is in the same league still of being fast or tight like the Hermansson’s or Dino are (nothing else I’ve tried yet is), but quite tight and fast vs most other amps on the Heat ch. My Mk2 seems to also be thicker and more growly in the low mids on the meat and crunch ch. The 25th anniversary I tried was a lot more saturated, forgiving and friendly for lead playing than my Mk2
If you’re talking about my Dino, you pretty much only played it with the Boost on, which I found extremely saturated and not at all like the Poundcake MK1 I had.
Now, if playing my 962 on either the Scream or British channel with the boost off, that’s the very closest I’ve got to the Poundcake MK1 I had before. No wonder Fortin wanted it really bad.
I have tried both in mine and I prefer EL34’s. The 6L6’s still retained the sonic character of the amplifier, but it became a little bit further away from the (Marshall) signature that I like. The 34s just have that added upper mid range character that suits this amplifier, which already has a ton of bottom end with the depth control.
Yes mine doesn’t even have a depth control, but still a lot of low end
If you’re talking about my Dino, you pretty much only played it with the Boost on, which I found extremely saturated and not at all like the Poundcake MK1 I had.
Now, if playing my 962 on either the Scream or British channel with the boost off, that’s the very closest I’ve got to the Poundcake MK1 I had before. No wonder Fortin wanted it really bad.
Yeah I was really enjoying it with those 2 knobs active where it was nothing like my poundcake either, but in retrospect should’ve explored a bit more with them disengaged. The Fortin Natas I tried I don’t remember really sounding much like either amp

I guess in either case, I meant more that I can’t get my Poundcake Mk2 to get as tight, fast or sharp as what I got out of your Dino’s or Hermansson’s or my Hermansson’s as well. It can get plenty tight and fast by most standards, but not like those 2 guy’s amps. Nothing else I’ve tried yet rivals those 2 in that particular department
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Great thread / info - thanks all. I guess the only piece we’re missing is how the MK I stacks up to the MK II/III. I think @DanTravis62 might have played a MK I and maybe a MK II or III….? I know @SBlue had a MK I at some point.

I owned a bogner modded 50w MK1 and have played multiple 100w mk1, mk2, and mkiiis

They're all fantastic IMO, lots of people prefer the mark I's but I prefer the mark II and IIIs.

They mark i is slightly "hairier" and a little bit looser and softer feeling under the fingers than the later revisions IMO - probably the one with the biggest "wow" factor as far as playing leads

The meat channel, especially on the later revisions, is as @SQUAREHEAD mentioned, is pretty close to the larry british channel though not exact

I love the crunch channel on the Poundcake with a boost, personally
I owned a bogner modded 50w MK1 and have played multiple 100w mk1, mk2, and mkiiis

They're all fantastic IMO, lots of people prefer the mark I's but I prefer the mark II and IIIs.

They mark i is slightly "hairier" and a little bit looser and softer feeling under the fingers than the later revisions IMO - probably the one with the biggest "wow" factor as far as playing leads

The meat channel, especially on the later revisions, is as @SQUAREHEAD mentioned, is pretty close to the larry british channel though not exact

I love the crunch channel on the Poundcake with a boost, personally

You’re right, Dan, With a full diet of Tungsrams in the preamp section and Siemens 34’s in output section, the MkII Meat channel (3) gets real close to Dino British Hot Rod.
I’d say it’s like Dino and a Wizard had a baby?
Found another video of my former MK1 on YouTube. Never mind the sound quality... it was done with an iPhone 4 in a room that was still not treated for acoustics, at my previous studio in Brazil.

Now I want one :ROFLMAO:
This amp has been on my radar forever, seems I will need to address that!
Now I want one :ROFLMAO:
This amp has been on my radar forever, seems I will need to address that!

Honestly it's weird to me how "under the radar" they are, but I'd rather keep it that way because the prices are constantly going up over the years
Any other opinions on value of a Mark I 50w? The one I'm looking at had a head shell issue so the tolex was removed and the shell was fixed. It needs to be re-tolexed. The seller and I are trying to get an idea of what they go for. Not a lot of examples to go by...