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  1. Beigelemon

    Byron Donalds and TRUMP 2024

    Remember, if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao You ain't gunna make it with anyone anyhow But then, you are unknown to woman.
  2. Beigelemon

    Byron Donalds and TRUMP 2024

    Well that might have made sense in your head. Maoist.
  3. Beigelemon

    FOX admitted it lied

    It was all Hugo Chavas from beyond the grave. Or something.
  4. Beigelemon

    Byron Donalds and TRUMP 2024

    Surely this man is the son of a lousy multi-millionaire who doesn't give a fuck about anyone.
  5. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    I think all administrations since Reagan.
  6. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    Feast yer eyes on this! Phwoar!!
  7. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    Now that you mention it, it's all very suspicious. Bubonic probably just means "lie" so it's the Lie Plague. I knew it. The bastards.
  8. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    And the King's vote was worth a billion. Let's go back there! Let's die of the plague!!
  9. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    I mean it's not like the old days. In Shakespeare's time you could take your child to see a wholesome play like Twelfth Night and see men playing women playing men. The good old days!!
  10. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    About as original as this.
  11. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    It's essential info like this that we all need. I mean fuck things like inflation and stagnating economic models that have transfered money away from the middle and working class towards the already wealthy, thus causing runaway asset inflation and making subsequent generations poorer and more...
  12. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    That's an improvement!! You're doing it!!
  13. Beigelemon

    Every accusation is a secret confession...

    Excellent self portrait of the empty space within you where your soul should be.
  14. Beigelemon

    Great news for all the lefties…

    You're such a fucking Maoist.
  15. Beigelemon

    Great news for all the lefties…

    Have you hurt your hand punching the air? You really have nothing to say.
  16. Beigelemon

    Great news for all the lefties…

    Is that all you got, the same tired, crude insults? Can't you think originally? Go on, try! Say something different. Break free!
  17. Beigelemon

    Great news for all the lefties…

    You're the Maoist so you tell us. You really do believe any old hokum.
  18. Beigelemon

    PSA - Spamming in OTC - Updated 2023-04-19

    So he was making love to his "pedal" whilst reporting? It's all making sense.
  19. Beigelemon

    PSA - Spamming in OTC - Updated 2023-04-19

    If only I could be as mature as you with all your clown pics and lazy slurs. What an intellectual titan you are.
  20. Beigelemon

    PSA - Spamming in OTC - Updated 2023-04-19

    And you're trying so hard to prove me wrong. Oh, hang on, you're not. At all.