You can try all the mods you like, the tone was in the street transformer supplying power to Sunset Studios and it was burnt in the recent fires. You’ll never get to sound like Eddie. The only choice now is seppuku.
Yeah exactly. I’m not against what he does. I rarely watch. But if he has a demo of a piece of gear I’m into I’ll watch. More for the features. He seems to always have a tone baked in that I don’t really dig. But I am under no illusion that these are reviews.
I’d like to try it. I’m under no illusion that the owners of originals will say it doesn’t match the originals. There is too much investment and value tied up in the originals to want to diminish that. That’s retirement funds.
I forgot to write the follow up after dinner. The above is a Norm MacDonald joke I couldn’t resist using. Don’t want you to think it was serious. Your vid is good.
Saw them in Melbourne recently. They were so good. Suprised me how tight and well they played. No phoning it in. Bruce running around like a madman. Same age as my Dad. No way I could imagine him running around like that.
Same set list I think. Song choice surprised me. Was cool hearing some...
When I was a kid, I went to my cousins house and my Aunty pointed to a poster and said that’s “The New Kids on the Block”. I thought it was so weird that the kids that had moved into their neighbourhood had sent around a poster of themselves.
No, it’s actually like the pyramids. They can’t figure out how the ancients even made them. Many believe aliens helped.
If you add up all the frequencies of the graphic eq, then times it by 2, you get the circumference of Mars. The c in 2c is the clue. Do you think humans could create tone...
I’m sure this will be a great reissue guys. But don’t worry, this is Gibson. There will be many, many even MORE accurate versions coming out of the custom shop for years to come.